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Old 07-15-2008, 01:51 PM
Enlil Enlil is offline
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Posts: 61
Viz speech cutting off early

I am having a problem with a vizact.speak - initally, we called the speech in question in the following fashion:
def speechsample():

action = vizact.speak(audiofile, threshold = self.sp_thresh,
scale = self.sp_scale, sync = self.sp_sync, morph = 'business02_f_highpoly_talk.CMF' )
However, from time to time, the speech would get cut off (in this case, 'please continue' was clipped to 'please cont'). So, thinking that perhaps the speech was being interrupted from a delay caused by loading the .wav file immediately before using it, we changed to the following code:
At startup, we run
action = vizact.speak(audiofile, threshold = self.sp_thresh,
scale = self.sp_scale, sync = self.sp_sync, morph = 'business02_f_highpoly_talk.CMF' )
Then later, we use
def speechsample():
Any idea what is going on?

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Old 07-16-2008, 03:28 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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I'm not sure what is causing this, but a solution could be to add a second of silence to the end of the audio file. This might give it enough time to play the speech all the way through.
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Old 07-24-2008, 11:42 AM
Enlil Enlil is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 61
That was actually the solution we ended up using. It appeared to work nicely.

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Old 01-26-2016, 06:22 AM
Silvie Silvie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 7

I have the same problem. But the speak sometimes cuts of in the middle of the text and not at the end. And sometimes the speak doesn 't start...

I don't know where the problem is....

this is my script:

def szenario(self):

self.female.state (91)
speech = vizact.speak (self.sound_path + 'Situation_6_EB_Svenja_bearbeitet.wav', threshold = .1, scale = 0.002, sync = True)
self.female.addAction (speech)
yield viztask.waitActionEnd (self.female,speech)
self.female.idlepose( -1)

Can anybody help me please?

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Old 01-26-2016, 09:44 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Is the result any different if you run the code outside of a task function? For example something like the following:

import viz
import vizact

female = viz.addAvatar('vcc_female.cfg',pos=[0,0,2])
speech = vizact.speak ('Situation_6_EB_Svenja_bearbeitet.wav', threshold = .1, scale = 0.002, sync = True)

vizact.onkeydown(' ',female.addAction,speech)
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Old 01-27-2016, 03:31 AM
Silvie Silvie is offline
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Posts: 7
Hi Jeff,

yes, outside the task it works. So, I donīt understand why? Is is a yield problem?
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:10 AM
Silvie Silvie is offline
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Posts: 7
Hi, its me again

I think I found the problem. I think it has something to do with an action I programmed bevor the avatar talks.

The avatar goes to the main view of the proband and stops 2 meters in front of this is the whole code. When I comment it out, the speech works without perhaps my code stops the speech???

def szenario(self):

#Avatar beginnt Handlung
self.female.execute (190, delay_in= 2, end =2.2)
yield viztask.waitTime (2)

#Avatar geht auf Proband zu, bleibt 2,5 Meter vor ihm stehen
manager = vizproximity.Manager()

#Add main viewpoint as proximity target
target = vizproximity.Target(viz.MainView)

sensor = vizproximity.addBoundingSphereSensor(self.female,s cale=2.0)
run = vizact.walkTo([viz.MainView.getPosition()[0], 0, viz.MainView.getPosition()[2]], walkSpeed = 0.9, walkAnim =142, turnSpeed = 180)

def EnterProximity(e):

yield viztask.waitActionEnd (self.female, run)
yield viztask.waitTime (1)

self.female.state (91)
speech = vizact.speak (self.sound_path + '1_KB.wav', threshold = .1, scale = 0.002, sync = True)
self.female.addAction (speech)
yield viztask.waitActionEnd (self.female,speech)
self.female.idlepose( -1)
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Old 01-27-2016, 04:41 AM
Silvie Silvie is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 7
I figuered it out!!!!

I had to remove the sensor after the avatar stops to walk....because when not I also stop the speech when I enter the sensor again (and this often happens)....
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