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Old 03-05-2007, 06:50 AM
Plymouth Plymouth is offline
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Multiple labs

A professor wants to use the VR set-up to run virtual worlds with multiple users who are in different physical spaces. So there would be two PPT systems connecting to two different computers running Vizard and presumably talking to each other through a LAN. My first question is whether or not Vizard is capable of that sort of integration between two sites. If so, then I'm also wondering how complicated such a thing would be to set-up and run.
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Old 03-05-2007, 09:43 AM
Gladsomebeast Gladsomebeast is offline
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This is fairly easy to do. With Vizard's network support, you can easly setup a connection between two computers and pass strings/objects back and forth. The Vizard30\examples\network\ script in the Vizard install is an example of two computers connecting to eachother and sending their respective viewpoint position and orientation.

If the two computer you want to connect are not on the same LAN, then you must make sure you have configured your "port forwarding" settings on your firewalls.
Paul Elliott
WorldViz LLC
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