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Problems with using WIRKS without the Kinect in a mirror setting
we have a problem with a setting in which we want to connect the head of an avatar to the camera in front of a mirror. When we use the 2D display this works just fine with the mirror code from this forum. However, what we would like to do is using the WIRKS system WITHOUT the Kinect. Instead we just use the Inertia Cube and the HMD and want to connect that to the head of the avatar. Therefore, we used parts of the code of the balloonPop Demo file. This did not work. What happens is that the avatar flies in the middle of the room and through the mirror it seems that the viewpoint is connected to the avatars feet (instead of the head). Somehow the connection of the avatar`s head and the camera seems to be overwritten by the code setting up the HMD. Probably the problem has to do with the fact that there is still some code that uses Kinect data although we do not use the Kinect (e.g. myTrackers.getHead()). But we have no idea how to set this up properly. It would be great if you could help us find the problem with this code! Thanks in advance, Jennifer Code:
# Add the path of the common modules. import sys sys.path.insert(0,'C:/Program Files (x86)/WorldViz/Wirks/Vizard Files/Common Modules/') import viz import vizact import vizmat import math import random import Config import DisplayMode import InertialLabs import Instruction from FAAST import Trackers from FAAST import Gestures INSTRUCTION = \ """ """ ####################################### ######################################### class BalloonPop(viz.EventClass): """ """ def __init__(self, headTracker=None): viz.EventClass.__init__(self) self.headTracker = headTracker ############################################################ # Main. import viztask import Curtain viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.setOption('viz.fullscreen.monitor', Config.DISPLAY_ID) viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) def addKinectTrackers(): """ Add Kinect trackers for each body part, taking into account SENSOR_HEIGHT and MIRROR_MODE. """ trackers = Trackers.add(sensorHeight=Config.SENSOR_HEIGHT, head=True, mirrorMode=Config.MIRROR_MODE) return trackers def addKinectGestures(): """ Add Kinect gestures to enable the FAAST reset gesture. """ gestures = Gestures.add() return gestures def addInertialLabs(): """ Add an InertialLabs sensor with the correct USB COM port number. """ sensor = InertialLabs.addSensor(port=Config.COM_PORT) return sensor def resetHeading(sensor, link, yawOffset): """ Reset OS3D heading (such that, upon reset, the user initializes facing virtual north) (this is necessiarily relative to the HMD) Virtual north refers to the direction of the positive z axis, or virtual 0 degrees yaw (in Vizard's standard coordinate system) """ if sensor is not None and link is not None: link.reset(viz.RESET_OPERATORS) # Get yaw offset yaw = sensor.getEuler()[0] # Subtract known yaw offset from mounting yaw -= yawOffset m = sensor.getMatrix() m.postEuler(-yaw,0,0) m.invert() quat = m.getQuat() # Apply offset to link link.postEuler([-yaw,0,0],target=viz.LINK_ORI_OP,priority=-20) link.preQuat(quat,target=viz.LINK_ORI_OP,priority=-20) myTrackers = None displayMode = None def init(): """ Initialize the simulation. """ global level, myTrackers, displayMode # Add the kinect trackers and gestures. myTrackers = addKinectTrackers() myGestures = addKinectGestures() #hier scheinbar noch watt aufrufn if Config.KINECT_MODE: level = BalloonPop(myTrackers.getHead()) else: level = BalloonPop(viz.MainView) # Check for the reset gesture. vizact.onevent( Gestures.GESTURE_ON_EVENT, lambda k:(k.button==Config.RESET_ID, None), reset ) def handleUserChoice(): """ Based on the value of DISPLAY_MODE (in Config.py), select and establish display parameters for the user's view. """ Curtain.load() if Config.DISPLAY_MODE is None: DisplayMode.showGUI() displayMode = DisplayMode.getDisplayMode() else: displayMode = Config.DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode.setDisplayMode(displayMode) loadText = showLoadingPage() yield Curtain.fadeToBlack() # Add an instruction box to the simulation window ('F1' shows/hides the instruction box) Instruction.add( INSTRUCTION ) # Apply display parameters. DisplayMode.setupDisplay() # If the SONY HMD display mode was chosen, if displayMode == DisplayMode.DISPLAY_HMD: # Add InertialLabs sensor, and set up 6D tracker by merging it with head tracker. myILSensor = addInertialLabs() head6DoFTracker = viz.mergeLinkable(myTrackers.getHead(), myILSensor) #myTrackers headLink = viz.link(head6DoFTracker, viz.MainView, srcFlag=viz.ABS_GLOBAL) resetHeading(myILSensor, headLink, Config.INERTIAL_LABS_OFFSET + 90) # Reset head orientation vizact.onevent( Gestures.GESTURE_ON_EVENT, lambda k:(k.button==Config.RESET_ID, None), resetHeading, myILSensor, headLink, Config.INERTIAL_LABS_OFFSET + 90 ) # Otherwise, else: # Set up user's default view. viz.MainView.setPosition(0, Trackers.DEFAULT_HEAD_HEIGHT, -6) loadText.remove() yield Curtain.fadeToWorld() viztask.schedule(handleUserChoice()) def reset(): """ Reset the simulation, and reset the user's view. """ # If the senor height is None, use the default head height, 1.82m. if Config.SENSOR_HEIGHT is None: myTrackers.setDefaultHeadHeight() #if displayMode != DisplayMode.DISPLAY_HMD: # viz.MainView.setPosition(0, myTrackers.getHead().getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL)[1], -6) def showLoadingPage(): """ Show the 'Loading...' message as the demo prepares to initialize. """ loadText = viz.addText('Loading...', parent=viz.SCREEN, pos=[.5, .5, 0]) loadText.draworder(101) loadText.alignment(viz.TEXT_CENTER_CENTER) return loadText ##################################################### REFLECT_MASK = viz.addNodeMask() def addMirror(mirror,mat=None,eye=viz.BOTH_EYE): #If mirror matrix is not specifed, get matrix of mirror object if mat is None: mat = mirror.getMatrix() #Position of mirror pos = viz.Vector(mat.getPosition()) #Direction mirror is pointing dir = viz.Vector(mat.getForward()) dir.normalize() #Quaternion rotation of mirror quat = mat.getQuat() #Create render texture tex = viz.addRenderTexture() #Create render node for rendering reflection lens = viz.addRenderNode(size=[1024,1024]) lens.attachTexture(tex) lens.setInheritView(True,viz.POST_MULT) lens.disable(viz.CULL_FACE,op=viz.OP_OVERRIDE) lens.setCullMask(REFLECT_MASK) if eye == viz.LEFT_EYE: lens.disable(viz.RENDER_RIGHT) mirror.setMask(REFLECT_MASK|viz.RIGHT_MASK,mode=viz.MASK_REMOVE) elif eye == viz.RIGHT_EYE: lens.disable(viz.RENDER_LEFT) mirror.setMask(REFLECT_MASK|viz.LEFT_MASK,mode=viz.MASK_REMOVE) else: mirror.setMask(REFLECT_MASK,mode=viz.MASK_REMOVE) #Setup reflection matrix rot = viz.Matrix.quat(quat) invRot = rot.inverse() lens.setMatrix(viz.Matrix.translate(-pos)*invRot*viz.Matrix.scale(1,1,-1)*rot*viz.Matrix.translate(pos)) #Setup reflection clip plane s = viz.sign(viz.Vector(dir) * viz.Vector(pos)) plane = vizmat.Plane(pos=pos,normal=dir) dist = plane.distance([0,0,0]) lens.clipPlane([dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],s*dist-0.01]) #Project reflection texture onto mirror mirror.texture(tex) mirror.texGen(viz.TEXGEN_PROJECT_EYE) #Add environment environment=viz.add('C:/Figuren/Buero_VR/room2/room2.wrl') environment.setEuler(90,0,0) environment.setPosition(1.5,0,-8) #Add male avatar avatarMale = viz.add('C:/Users/VR/Documents/Jenni_Dateien/Jenni_StudieII/Dateien zur Aufnahme/business02_m/business02_m_highpoly.cfg') avatarMale.setEuler(270,0,0) avatarMale.setPosition(-1,0,-5.5) #Create a mirror mirror = viz.addTexQuad() mirror.scale(.8,1,1) mirror.setPosition(0, 1.5, -4.1) m = viz.Matrix() m.setPosition(mirror.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL)) m.setEuler(180,0,0) #Apply mirror settings to mirror object addMirror(mirror,m) #Increase ambient lighting viz.MainView.getHeadLight().ambient(1,1,1) #Create a self avatar avatar = viz.add('C:/Figuren/2012-05-09 - Uni Duisburg Avatars/F20_HairOpen_NoMakeup.cfg') def mykeyboard(key): # Speech and Animations if key == ' ': avatar.state(1) #avatarMale.addAction(leer, pool=8) avatarMale.setPosition(1.5,0,-4.9) viz.callback(viz.KEYBOARD_EVENT,mykeyboard) #Link avatar body to viewpoint avatarLink = viz.link(viz.MainView,avatar) avatarLink.setPos([None,0,None]) #Keep avatar on floor avatarLink.setEuler([None,0,0]) #Only update avatar yaw avatar.setMask(viz.LEFT_MASK|viz.RIGHT_MASK,mode=viz.MASK_REMOVE) #Only draw avatar in mirror #Link avatar head to viewpoint head = avatar.getBone('Bip01 Head') head.lock() viz.link(viz.MainView,head,mask=viz.LINK_ORI) ##################################################### init() #vizact.onkeydown(' ', balloonPop.initializeGame) |
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