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Old 04-30-2012, 01:56 AM
Felix Felix is offline
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3ds Exported .IVE Model mirrors movement of Mainview

Hey all,
I am working on importing some large scale Building model into the Vizard environment.

While using our production code and some recent versions of said model a strange error emerged:

The Mainview is magically linked to the model. This has the effect, that none of the movements of the Mainview are visible on the screen, because the model just moves along. I am aware of the link() function and assure we didn't use it. It was pretty hard to find this problem in the first place, because it just seems as if the movement was stuck, but printing the Mainview position during execution reveals that movement actually takes place.

As to ensure that it is not the complex engine code we wrote that is responsible for this problem I distilled the model loading code into this 7 Liner:

import viz

model = viz.add("hospital.reduced.ive")

viz.MainView.setPosition([0, 0, 0])
viz.MainView.lookat([0, 0, 1])


With this code, I can load an old version of the same model and walk around the place without problems. Loading a newer export of the model however produces the error mentioned above.

We work with 3ds MAX and export the models according to the Vizard Knowledge Base to the .IVE Format, using the Vizard supplied OSG Exporter.

We are using Vizard 4.0 to load the Model.

I hope someone could point me in the right direction because I am literally out of ideas on this one.

Thanks in advance,

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Old 04-30-2012, 08:49 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Is the model scaled properly? Sometimes it can seem the viewpoint is stuck but the model needs to be scaled down in size. You can check the model dimensions by loading it in Inspector.

Do you have the same problem if collision is disabled?

The Mainview is magically linked to the model. This has the effect, that none of the movements of the Mainview are visible on the screen, because the model just moves along.
How does the model move along?
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Old 05-02-2012, 05:41 AM
Felix Felix is offline
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Is the model scaled properly? Sometimes it can seem the viewpoint is stuck but the model needs to be scaled down in size. You can check the model dimensions by loading it in Inspector.
The scale can't possibly be the problem. Both Versions of the Model have the same scale, which is just right for the Eyeheight and so on. There is no rescaling involved like you can see in the code above. We are talking about a huge hospital building model incorporating the outside area of the parking lot (where the avatar starts), etc.

Also the Viewport seems only partially stuck. Rotationof viz.HEAD results in the correct rotated output on the screen whilst moving or turning viz.BODY does not produce a visible difference in the output on the screen. Like I mentioned above, the MainView.getPosition() function reports a moved ViewPoint though.

Do you have the same problem if collision is disabled?
Yes, while I can still walk through the first version of the model without colliding, loading the second one produces the same strange behavior.

How does the model move along?
Wish I knew that.. Like the code above shows I do not modify the model position at all.

The movement of the model is nothing I can perceive visually but something I inferred from the movement of the MainView and the missing visual feedback from that movement.
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Old 05-03-2012, 07:53 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Can you let us take a look at the model? If so, you can go to and upload there.
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Old 05-04-2012, 08:10 AM
Felix Felix is offline
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First File (hospital.fx.ive):

Second File (hospital.reduced.ive):!1.IVE

The fx version loads flawlessly while the reduced file does not and produces the problem mentioned.
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Old 05-07-2012, 09:13 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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It's a scaling issue. If you open up both models in Inspector you'll see that hospital.reduced is 1000 times larger than hospital.fx. You'll need to make sure the units of measurement are set to meters in 3ds Max before export:
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Old 05-07-2012, 09:38 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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The most recent version of the OSG exporter from our downloads page has an option to set the units to export to (meters, feet, etc..). For loading in Vizard you'll want to export to meters.
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Old 05-07-2012, 01:35 PM
Felix Felix is offline
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Hey Jeff,
that's very embarrassing..
I am so sorry for not checking this myself.
Thanks for your time.
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Old 05-11-2012, 05:29 AM
Felix Felix is offline
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Actually, that does NOT solve the problem..
I loaded the original .max file into 3ds max 2012 and exported using the recommended settings from the Vizard Knowledge Base and double checked that convert the units to meters during export. The problem prevails..
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Old 05-18-2012, 10:17 AM
Veleno Veleno is offline
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Hi Felix. If the scene is exporting to an incorrect size despite turning on the conversion, the Max file itself may be out of scale. Create a box, set the height to 2 meters, and place it next to a doorway to check.

If the scene is out of scale, adjust the System Unit to make 1 generic unit the appropriate size.
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