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Old 10-06-2008, 08:41 AM
Andy Andy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 36

I use "vizcave" and I would like to navigate the vitual viewpoint via keyboard. For the real-position of the user I use a tracking-system and for navigation I would like to use the keyboard.

#Virtual viewpoint (Translate view origin 1 meter up and back)
vp = [0, 1, -1]

#Use tracker for automatically updating cave

#Create vizcave.CaveView object for manipulating viewpoint in cave environment
origin = vizcave.CaveView(tracker)

#Translate view origin
now I use the "viz.KEYDOWN_EVENT" to set an new origin:
def onKeyDown(key):
	if key == 'z': #forward
		vp[2] += 5*viz.elapsed()
	if key == 'b': #backwards
		vp[2] -= 5*viz.elapsed()
	if key == 'g': #left
		vp[0] -= 5*viz.elapsed()
	if key == 'h': #right
		vp[0] += 5*viz.elapsed()
There are two problems:
- First, the movement is not very smooth
- If I rotate the viewpoint (origin.setEuler()) the direction of the movement is the same as before (if I rotate -90 degrees yaw, I have to press "go left" to move forward).

How can I smoothen the movement?
Is there a function to automatically adapt the movement to the current pos?
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:36 AM
Andy Andy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 36
For the second "problem" I found a posible solution:

if key == 'z': #forward
if key == 'b': #backwards
and so on

Do you know a better way?
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Old 10-06-2008, 03:49 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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You can use the viztracker.Keyboard6DOF() object to setup keyboard navigation and link it to the CaveView object. Here is sample code:
import viztracker
keyTracker = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF(), origin)
The Keyboard6DOF object uses the WASD keys by default for navigation. You can customize the keys by passing the following optional keyword arguments to the constructor:

forward - key for moving forward
backward - key for moving backward
right - key for strafing right
left - key for strafing left
turnRight - key for rotating right
turnLeft - key for rotating left

For example, if you wanted to use the arrow keys for moving around you would use the following code to create the keyboard tracker object:
keyTracker = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF(forward=viz.KEY_UP,backward=viz.KEY_DOWN,left=viz.KEY_LEFT,right=viz.KEY_RIGHT)
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