Dear all,
I recently need to use Polhemus to track the head and shoulder movement of the real human. But actually, I don't know how to do it with Polhemus.
I checked the vizconnect tutorial and tried to first do this with my keyboard and mouse (as Polhemus is currently unavailable), but couldn't find a way to record the position of my keyboard or mouse or the avatar I added.
Then a friend sent me the codes:
import viz
import vizinput
import time
global mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4
polhemus = viz.add('polhemus.dle')
mark1 = polhemus.addLiberty()
mark2 = polhemus.addLiberty()
mark3 = polhemus.addLiberty()
mark4 = polhemus.addLiberty()
def WriteResults_Time(mark1,mark3,mark4,fileName):
now = viz.tick()
HeadPos = mark1.getPosition()
HeadRot = mark1.getEuler()
LeftHandPos = mark3.getPosition()
LeftHandRot = mark3.getEuler()
RightHandPos = mark4.getPosition()
RightRot = mark4.getEuler()
Save_results = open(fileName,'Avatar')
vars = '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %(
numTrial, now,
HeadPos[0], HeadPos[1], HeadPos[2],
HeadRot[0], HeadRot[1], HeadRot[2],
LeftHandPos[0], LeftHandPos[1], LeftHandPos[2],
LeftHandRot[0], LeftHandRot[1], LeftHandRot[2],
RightHandPos[0], RightHandPos[1], RightHandPos[2],
RightHandRot[0], RightHandRot[1], RightHandRot[2])
Because I couldn't try those codes with my keyboard or mouse, so just want to ask is there anything I need to change? Or are there any solution for me to track the movement of real person and apply it onto an avatar?
Many thanks!