I want to change the gain of the joystick by altering the scalar constant (in this case MOVE_SPEED)- so effectively the speed will alter - at a certain point in my program (22secs in). Here's what I have so far:
def UpdateJoystick1():
#Get the joystick position
x,y,z = joy.getPosition()
#Move the viewpoint forward/backward based on y-axis value
if abs(y) > 0.0001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
#Move the viewpoint left/right based on x-axis value
if abs(x) > 0.001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
#Turn the viewpoint left/right based on twist value
#if abs(twist) > 0.001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
# viz.MainView.rotate(0,1,0,twist,viz.BODY_ORI,viz.RELATIVE_WORLD)
#UpdateJoystick every frame
def UpdateJoystick2():
#Get the joystick position
x,y,z = joy.getPosition()
#Move the viewpoint forward/backward based on y-axis value
if abs(y) > 0.0001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
#Move the viewpoint left/right based on x-axis value
if abs(x) > 0.001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
#Turn the viewpoint left/right based on twist value
#if abs(twist) > 0.001: #Make sure value is above a certain threshold
# viz.MainView.rotate(0,1,0,twist,viz.BODY_ORI,viz.RELATIVE_WORLD)
#UpdateJoystick every frame
but it doesn't seem to make a difference at all - is it because it just comes on at the 22 sec point and then reverts back to the original joystick code? Would I need to insert starttimer and killtimer statements to initiate the two sections?
Any help - as usual - will be greatly appreciated!