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Old 01-13-2013, 12:22 PM
tokola tokola is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 67
Multiple views with robot: collision & scaling problems

Hi there.

I am building a collaborative game where I have 3 views in 3 separate windows and I am using Steve (the robot) as a representation of the each player on the other 2 views (besides its own). It's pretty much like the example of Vizard, only running on one machine. The issues I am having are caused by the fact that the robot collides with the viewpoint, although it is not being rendered in its view's window (_avatar.renderToAllWindowsExcept([avatarWindow]). I have disable INTERSECTION on the robot object, but collision is still on. In the attached image you can see how it looks like, with the robot appearing too high because it is moved upwards after the viewpoint collision.

Also, I would like to have the viewpoint at the robot's eyeheight instead of neck height which is currently the center of the object. I changed the center in Steve's class using the setCenter command but it didn't work. But even if it worked the collision issue would prevent it to be there. Scaling of the robot is also problematic; setting a scaling factor messes with the tracker data (I am using the setTracker command).

Basically, I am facing these 3 problems:
- How can I have the robots (viewpoints) collide normally between each other, without having the robot collide with its own viewpoint?
- How can I scale (enlarge) the robot without affecting tracking?
- How can I align the viewpoint with the robots eyeheight?

I hope these are doable because they are pivotal for my work.
Thanks for your help.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	robots_in_2_windows001.jpg
Views:	1655
Size:	99.4 KB
ID:	553  
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