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Old 10-14-2006, 03:07 AM
semblance semblance is offline
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Suggested graphics card

I am expecting my project lead to provide me with a registration license for Vizard this weekend. In the meantime, I have installed the 90-day trial so I can get comfortable with the software. I've got the avatar running circles around the lecturn, which is spinning like crazy. :)

I am running Windows XP Home on a MSI K8N Neo Platinum motherboard, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor, 1GB DDR, dual display, and I'm almost ashamed to tell you what graphics card I'm using. It's so old I can only get scripts/animations to run effectively in wireframe (even then, only 20fps).

Is there a suggested graphics card for Vizard? I normally just use this computer for audio applications so in the past my only criteria while shopping for a card was 8x AGP with dual display support.

Looking through these forums, I see some problems reported with ATI Radeon cards. Considering my motherboard runs an nVidia chipset, would it make more sense to use a nVidia graphics card?

Finally, money is definitely a concern. So the most affordable options are the most promising.

Any help would be appreciated.

Justin Hassler
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Old 10-14-2006, 03:12 AM
mspusch mspusch is offline
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an nVidia GeForce 6800 card (AGP) should be a good and really cheap option.

obviously the 7xxx series would be even better, but it's more expensive.

ATI is not good for demanding visualization in our experience.
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Old 10-14-2006, 04:05 AM
semblance semblance is offline
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And would a 128MB card be sufficient, or should I look for a 256MB?
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Old 10-14-2006, 04:25 AM
mspusch mspusch is offline
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again, dependent on budget.
Video RAM is needed for textures. so if you plan to render worlds with high texture loads in real time, then you need 256.

for 'normal' use 128 is plenty --

if there is not specific reason for 256, I'd go with 128 if it saves you money.
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Old 05-22-2014, 04:23 AM
aghena aghena is offline
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Intel HD4400 and Vizard?

I am going to buy the new dell xps 13" that unfortunately comes with an intel graphic card. I am buying it exclusively to use it with worldviz, therefore i Would like to know if they will work together. thx
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:13 AM
Erikvdb Erikvdb is offline
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Originally Posted by aghena View Post
I am going to buy the new dell xps 13" that unfortunately comes with an intel graphic card. I am buying it exclusively to use it with worldviz, therefore i Would like to know if they will work together. thx
I can't give any guarantees, but I have a notebook with an HD Graphics 4600 and my Vizard programs seem to run fine. The older Intel Integrated Graphics generations definitely did have a lot of issues with OpenGL, but with the 4000 series they seem to have fixed many, if not all issues.

Obviously it's still a low-end graphics solution, so I hope you're not planning on using it with the Oculus Rift, for instance, because it can't run the distortion effect at a decent framerate (as I found out).
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Old 05-27-2014, 06:51 AM
aghena aghena is offline
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Thank you for your kind response. I am not planning to use any immersion device, but I don't know if I'll take the risk. Thank you again
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