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How to make a glass window in Vizard
How can I create a real like glass window in Vizard? I already have a mirror that gives the reflection, but to have a nice glass window you'll have to be able to see through the glass (it has to be transparent), but also see your reflection (it has to have some reflection). Does anyone have any suggestions how I could accomplish this? |
You can use the node.alpha command to set the mirror transparency. This will still work with the mirror code you have. You can also use a static reflection texture instead of a real-time reflection, this is what most people do.
I've tried the node.alpha command, but it doesn't work with my mirrorsurface. The texquad becomes transparent, but the reflection texture doesn't. So it tried tex.alpha(0.5) but that didn't work. Is there any way I can modify the mirrorsurface in the code below so that it reflects and is transparent? How would the static reflection texture work?
import viz viz.go() import viz viz.go() def addMirror(mirror,mat=None): #If mirror matrix is not specifed, get matrix of mirror object if mat is None: mat = mirror.getMatrix() #Position of mirror pos = viz.Vector(mat.getPosition()) #Direction mirror is pointing dir = viz.Vector(mat.getForward()) dir.normalize() #Quaternion rotation of mirror quat = mat.getQuat() #Create render texture tex = viz.addRenderTexture() #Create render node for rendering reflection lens = viz.addRenderNode(size=[1024,1024]) lens.attachTexture(tex) lens.setInheritView(True,viz.POST_MULT) lens.disable(viz.CULL_FACE,op=viz.OP_SET_OVERRIDE) #Setup reflection matrix rot = viz.Matrix.quat(quat) invRot = rot.inverse() lens.setMatrix(viz.Matrix.translate(pos*-1.0)*invRot*viz.Matrix.scale(1,1,-1)*rot*viz.Matrix.translate(pos)) #Setup reflection clip plane plane = vizmat.Plane(pos=pos,normal=dir) dist = plane.distance([0,0,0]) lens.clipPlane([-dir[0],-dir[1],-dir[2],dist+0.001]) #Project reflection texture onto mirror mirror.texture(tex) mirror.texGen(viz.TEXGEN_PROJECT_EYE) #Add gallery environment gallery = viz.add('gallery.ive') #Use existing painting as mirror and specify the matrix mirrorsurface = viz.addTexQuad() mirrorsurface.alpha(.5) mirrorsurface.setPosition([0, 1, 2]) #Y,Z,X mirrorsurfacerotation = [0,0,0] #rotation around the Z,Y,X axes mirrorsurface.rotate(mirrorsurfacerotation) m = viz.Matrix() m.setPosition(mirrorsurface.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL)) m.setEuler(mirrorsurfacerotation[0]-180,-mirrorsurfacerotation[1], mirrorsurfacerotation[2]) #Z,X,Y #Apply mirror settings to mirror object addMirror(mirrorsurface,m) #Increase ambient lighting viz.MainView.getHeadLight().ambient(1,1,1) Last edited by Frank Verberne; 04-10-2008 at 06:38 AM. |
BTW, if you want to see yourself in the mirror you can do this:
import viz viz.go() man = viz.add('male.cfg') man.translate(0,0,4) link = viz.link(viz.MainView,man) link.preTrans([0,-1.8,0]) def addMirror(mirror,mat=None): #If mirror matrix is not specifed, get matrix of mirror object if mat is None: mat = mirror.getMatrix() #Position of mirror pos = viz.Vector(mat.getPosition()) #Direction mirror is pointing dir = viz.Vector(mat.getForward()) dir.normalize() #Quaternion rotation of mirror quat = mat.getQuat() #Create render texture tex = viz.addRenderTexture() #Create render node for rendering reflection lens = viz.addRenderNode(size=[1024,1024]) lens.attachTexture(tex) lens.setInheritView(True,viz.POST_MULT) lens.disable(viz.CULL_FACE,op=viz.OP_SET_OVERRIDE) #Setup reflection matrix rot = viz.Matrix.quat(quat) invRot = rot.inverse() lens.setMatrix(viz.Matrix.translate(pos*-1.0)*invRot*viz.Matrix.scale(1,1,-1)*rot*viz.Matrix.translate(pos)) #Setup reflection clip plane plane = vizmat.Plane(pos=pos,normal=dir) dist = plane.distance([0,0,0]) lens.clipPlane([-dir[0],-dir[1],-dir[2],dist+0.001]) #Project reflection texture onto mirror mirror.texture(tex) mirror.texGen(viz.TEXGEN_PROJECT_EYE) #Add gallery environment gallery = viz.add('gallery.ive') #Use existing painting as mirror and specify the matrix mirrorsurface = viz.addTexQuad() mirrorsurface.alpha(.2) mirrorsurface.scale(.99,.74,1) mirrorsurface.setPosition([-.329, 1.8, 2.9]) #Y,Z,X mirrorsurfacerotation = [0,0,0] #rotation around the Z,Y,X axes mirrorsurface.rotate(mirrorsurfacerotation) m = viz.Matrix() m.setPosition(mirrorsurface.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL)) m.setEuler(mirrorsurfacerotation[0]-180,-mirrorsurfacerotation[1], mirrorsurfacerotation[2]) #Z,X,Y #Apply mirror settings to mirror object addMirror(mirrorsurface,m) #Increase ambient lighting viz.MainView.getHeadLight().ambient(1,1,1) |
@ Jerry: I already know how to see myself in the mirror. But I want to create a glass window where you can see through, but also reflects, like a real life glass window. So what I want to make is a transparent mirror. The problem is that I don't know how to make the reflection texture transparent.
Using the following code makes the mirror semi-transparent for me:
mirrorsurface.alpha(.2) mirrorsurface.appearance(viz.TEXMODULATE) |
Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for!
I started playing around with two mirrors facing each other, but then the reflection of mirror1 is not reflected in mirror 2. Instead, you'll see a black square at the position of mirror2 in the reflection of mirror1. And when you look into mirror2, you'll see a black square at the position of mirror1. Both mirror reflections work well for the rest of the environment. I was wondering if it is possible at all to fix this. I don't really need the solution, I just want to know if it is possible. But if the solution is quite simple, then I'm all ears (or eyes ![]() |
Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for!
I started playing around with two mirrors facing each other, but then the reflection of mirror1 is not reflected in mirror 2. Instead, you'll see a black square at the position of mirror2 in the reflection of mirror1. And when you look into mirror2, you'll see a black square at the position of mirror1. Both mirror reflections work well for the rest of the environment. I was wondering if it is possible at all to fix this. I don't really need the solution, I just want to know if it is possible. But if the solution is quite simple, then I'm all ears (or eyes ![]() I also noticed a significant framerate drop when an avatar and it's reflection are in view. Is there any way the algorithm for the reflection texture can be modified so that the framerate won't drop (as much)? Now the drop is from 72 fps to 36 fps. |
hope anyone can help me with my problem;
when I apply the mirroring effect, the mirroring looks fine, but the reflected model is way too bright. this line is the reason for the good looking mirror effect, but it also blows out the placed model if you take a direct look viz.MainView.getHeadLight().ambient(1,1,1) is there a possibility to exclude the effect for the model? hope anybody can help thanks in advance |
I am also having a lot of trouble trying to implement a mirror. In this version I cannot seem to get the mirror to reflect avatars:
import viz import time import vizact viz.go() clock = 0 PERSON_HEIGHT = 1.5 GRAVITY = 9.81 OFFSET = 0 #Offset due to the room model load print OFFSET light = viz.MainView.getHeadLight() light.disable() roomGroup = None viz.clearcolor(0.1,0.1,0.3) labRoom = viz.add('LabRoom.ive') labRoom.setPosition(0, OFFSET, 0) #Correct view height viz.MainView.eyeheight(0) ##--------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Configure tracking ##--------------------------------------------------------------------- ##Orientation of the HMD #isense = viz.add('intersense.dls') ##isense.addTracker() #adding the tracker #Commented out because of the dls file (instead of a dle #view = viz.MainView #defining the main view #vrpn = viz.add('vrpn7.dle') #Interface with PPT computer #PPT_HOSTNAME = '' #PPT IP address ##Adding the tracker to the orientation #headMarker = vrpn.addTracker('PPT0@' + PPT_HOSTNAME, 0) ##Linking the orientation to the main view #headOri = viz.link(isense, view, mask = viz.LINK_ORI, priority = 0) ##Linking the PPT to the mainview #headPos = viz.link(headMarker, view, mask = viz.LINK_POS, priority = 0) ##Specify HMD model #nvis.nvisorSX111() #-------------------------------------------------------- #Mirror #-------------------------------------------------------- REFLECT_MASK = viz.addNodeMask() def addMirror(mirror,mat=None,eye=viz.BOTH_EYE): #If mirror matrix is not specifed, get matrix of mirror object if mat is None: mat = mirror.getMatrix() #Position of mirror pos = viz.Vector(mat.getPosition()) #Direction mirror is pointing dir = viz.Vector(mat.getForward()) dir.normalize() #Quaternion rotation of mirror quat = mat.getQuat() #Create render texture tex = viz.addRenderTexture() #Create render node for rendering reflection lens = viz.addRenderNode(size=[512,512]) lens.attachTexture(tex) lens.setInheritView(True,viz.POST_MULT) lens.disable(viz.CULL_FACE,op=viz.OP_OVERRIDE) if eye == viz.LEFT_EYE: lens.disable(viz.RENDER_RIGHT) mirror.disable(viz.RENDER_RIGHT) elif eye == viz.RIGHT_EYE: lens.disable(viz.RENDER_LEFT) mirror.disable(viz.RENDER_LEFT) mirror.renderToAllRenderNodesExcept([lens]) #Setup reflection matrix rot = viz.Matrix.quat(quat) invRot = rot.inverse() lens.setMatrix(viz.Matrix.translate(-pos)*invRot*viz.Matrix.scale(1,1,-1)*rot*viz.Matrix.translate(pos)) #Setup reflection clip plane s = viz.sign(viz.Vector(dir) * viz.Vector(pos)) plane = vizmat.Plane(pos=pos,normal=dir) dist = plane.distance([0,0,0]) lens.clipPlane([dir[0],dir[1],dir[2],s*dist-0.01]) #Project reflection texture onto mirror mirror.texture(tex) mirror.texGen(viz.TEXGEN_PROJECT_EYE) viz.startlayer(viz.QUADS) #Hardcoding the mirror's plane viz.texcoord(0,0) viz.vertex( 6.35 , OFFSET + 1.4 , -3.1) viz.texcoord(0,1) viz.vertex( 6.35 , OFFSET + 2.85, -3.1) viz.texcoord(1,1) viz.vertex( 2.8 , OFFSET + 2.85, -3.1) viz.texcoord(1,0) viz.vertex( 2.8 , OFFSET + 1.4 , -3.1) mirrorRight = viz.endlayer( ) mirrorLeft = mirrorRight.copy() #specify the matrix m = viz.Matrix() m.setPosition([0.25,1,0.25]) m.setEuler(0 , 0 ,0) #This determines which way the mirror is facing #Apply mirror settings to mirror object addMirror(mirrorRight,m,viz.RIGHT_EYE) addMirror(mirrorLeft,m,viz.LEFT_EYE) #Increase ambient lighting #viz.MainView.getHeadLight().ambient(1,1,1) #-------------------------------------------------------- #Create a self avatar #-------------------------------------------------------- avatar = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') avatar.setScale(1.7,1.7,1.7) #Link avatar body to viewpoint avatarLink = viz.link(viz.MainView,avatar) avatarLink.setPos([None,0,None]) #Keep avatar on floor avatarLink.setEuler([None,0,0]) #Only update avatar yaw avatar.setMask(viz.LEFT_MASK|viz.RIGHT_MASK,mode=v iz.MASK_REMOVE) #Only draw avatar in mirror #Link avatar head to viewpoint head = avatar.getBone('Bip01 Head') head.lock() viz.link(viz.MainView,head,mask=viz.LINK_ORI) avatar2 = viz.add('vcc_female.cfg') avatar2.setPosition(4, .1, 0) avatar2.setScale(1.7,1.7,1.7) |
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