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Old 10-12-2006, 10:51 AM
shivanangel shivanangel is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 182
problem with stereo mode

Hi again,

I'm having a problem getting into stereo mode.

I have two demo's. The first demo runs just fine.

The second demo involves manipulating the camera's location with a game pad. However, whenever I try to use viz.QUAD_BUFFER, I don't get stereo mode.

Here is my code:

##Name     :George D. Lecakes Jr
##Created  : October 11, 2006
##Modified : October 11, 2006
##Descr    : 	This program creates a viewport that centers around
##				the translational properties of an object similar
##				to that of a video game.

import viz

##Game Pad Library Information
import sid


#Global Variables

##Height from Interest

H = 0

##X from Interest

R = 0

##Z from Interest

I = 0

##Reference Plane

envio = viz.add('coords.obj')

#Model of Interest

modelOfInterest = viz.add('templateModel.obj')

##Create a new viewpoint

objectTracker = viz.add(viz.VIEWPOINT)

##Get and set the main window to the viewpoint

mainWindow = viz.get(viz.MAIN_WINDOW)

##Initialize Elements

##Object Of Interest

interestx = 0 
interesty = 0
interestz = 0



viewCoordx = 0
viewCoordy = 10
viewCoordz = 20


#Function Declarations
def georgesTimer(timerNum):
	## Get the translation information of the desired object
	#interest = modelOfInterest.get(viz.POSITION)
	## Get the translation information of the viewpoint
	#viewCoords = objectTracker.get(viz.POSITION)
	## See which gamepad button has been pressed
	global H
	global R
	global I
	global upCheck
	global interestx 
	global interesty
	global interestz
	global viewCoordx
	global viewCoordy
	global viewCoordz
	upCheck = 0
	## Up
	if sid.isbuttondown(7):
		diff = viewCoordy - interesty
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			H = (H + .1)
			viewCoordy = (interesty + H)
		##  If View is below interet
		if diff < 0:
			H = (H + .1)
			viewCoordy = (interesty + H)
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0:
			viewCoordy = 0
			H = (H + .1)
			viewCoordy = (interesty + H)
## Down
	if sid.isbuttondown(8):
		diff = viewCoordy - interesty
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			H = (H - .1)
			viewCoordy = (interesty + H)

		##  If View is below interest
		if diff < 0:
			H = (H - .1)
			viewCoordy = (interesty - abs(H))
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0: 
			viewCoordy = 0
			H = (H - .1)	
			viewCoordy = (interesty + H)

	if sid.isbuttondown(3):
		diff = viewCoordx - interestx
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			R = (R + .1)
			viewCoordx = (interestx + R)
		##  If View is below interet
		if diff < 0:
			R = (R + .1)
			viewCoordx = (interestx + R)
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0:
			viewCoordx = 0
			R = (R + .1)
			viewCoordx = (interestx + R)

	if sid.isbuttondown(2):
		diff = viewCoordx - interestx
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			R = (R - .1)
			viewCoordx = (interestx + R)

		##  If View is below interest
		if diff < 0:
			R = (R - .1)
			viewCoordx = (interestx - abs(R))
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0: 
			viewCoordx = 0
			R = (R - .1)	
			viewCoordx = (interestx + R)

	if sid.isbuttondown(1):
		diff = viewCoordz - interestz
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			I = (I + .1)
			viewCoordz = (interestz + I)
		##  If View is below interet
		if diff < 0:
			I = (I + .1)
			viewCoordz = (interestz + I)
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0:
			viewCoordz = 0
			I = (I + .1)
			viewCoordz = (interestz + I)

	if sid.isbuttondown(4):
		diff = viewCoordz - interestz
		##  If view is above interest

		if  diff > 0:
			I = (I - .1)
			viewCoordz = (interestz + I)

		##  If View is below interest
		if diff < 0:
			I = (I - .1)
			viewCoordz = (interestz - abs(I))
		## If View is equal to interest
		if diff == 0: 
			viewCoordz = 0
			I = (I - .1)	
			viewCoordz = (interestz + I)

	print viewCoordx

##CallBack to Functions

viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT, georgesTimer)
viz.starttimer(0,0, viz.PERPETUAL)
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