Integrating InertiaCube and Vicon data
Hello, I'm working on a project a part of which requires tracking the user's movements using both Vicon and InterSense InertiaCube data.
The reason is the fact that the orientational data coming from the Vicon system has a lag of ~100 ms which is actually enough to make a significant difference in a virtual world and even has the potential for generating motion sickness. The InertiaCube, on the other hand, has little to no lag and can correct the orientation that Vicon is displaying with respect to a certain time.
I was wondering if there is a ready solution for integrating these two data sources?
This feature is essential to the project I'm working on, any help would be greatly appreciated. I am using Vizard 3.00.2701 and InertiaCube2 Pro (DLL-compatible).