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Old 08-09-2018, 08:27 PM
amir amir is offline
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 22
Placing Object with Optotrak

For our study, people will walk on a balance beam. I want to stick an Optotrak rigid body onto the beam so that we can have it exactly matched in space with our virtual environment.

I'm currently adding the beam into the scene at the origin with the following code:
HTML Code:
# Add balance beam
beam = viz.add('beam.osgb')
And adding the following for Optotrak to send motion data for the HMD:
HTML Code:
opto = viz.add('optotrak.dle')
body = opto.getBody(0), viz.MainView)
How can I associate a second Optotrak rigid body with the virtual balance beam? My thoughts are to add:
HTML Code:
opto = viz.add('optotrak.dle')
body1 = opto.getBody(1), beam)
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Old 08-09-2018, 11:58 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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I'm not sure how adding a tracker to the beam will help. If you place the physical beam at the same location in tracking coordinates as the position of the virtual beam in virtual world coordinates then the two should line up.
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object on-the-fly, optotrak, tracking

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