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Old 07-21-2011, 02:17 PM
Lithium Lithium is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 7
VRay, and Complete Character animation questions

Hi all,

2 questions:
First, the lab I'm working in recently bought a model that uses VRay (we don't have the plugin yet, so we get a missing dlls error message for VRayMtl, VRayMap, VRayEdgesTex, and VRay DEMO). We are looking to import the model into a Vizard world and would like as realistic of a render as possible. There are a few threads here regarding VRay and incompatibility with OSG exporting, but they are a bit old so I was wondering if there have been any changes since then.
Can models rendered with VRay be exported for use in Vizard?

Second, this is really a question about how to create custom animations of Complete Characters for use in worlds created in Vizard, so it might be more of a 3dsMax question than a Vizard one.
Mainly how could I create an animation that can be applied to multiple avatar bodies? I don't know what body we will be using yet, and I assume there is a way to make "generic" animations that can be used with multiple avatars.
I know how to make animations using keyframes, mostly what I'm wondering is what specific things I need to do/watch out for in order to make the animation compatible with multiple avatars.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 07-27-2011, 01:21 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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You should be able to export a model rendered in Vray. Vray can be used to either create a lightmap and/or totalmaps that light the model.

As long as all the characters have the same skeleton and rigging, the animation created should be able to transfer along. Are the characters being rigged and animated with biped? You should be able to save and load BIP. files onto characters.
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animation, complete character, vray

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