Hi there.
I have been struggling to make multiple events with multiple joysticks but it seems the last event always supersedes the previous ones. I have used EventClass to do, taken as an example the EventHandlingClass tutorial, but I am obviously doing something wrong. My code is as follows:
class Joystick(viz.EventClass):
"""This is the Joystick Interacion class"""
def __init__ (self, window):
self.joystick = vizjoy.add()
#Call super class constructor
self.window = window
self.callback(vizjoy.BUTTONDOWN_EVENT, self.joydown)
self.callback(vizjoy.HAT_EVENT, self.joyhat)
and create two joysticks like this:
j2 = Interaction.Joystick(somewindow1)
j3 = Interaction.Joystick(somewindow2)
but every time I use the hat (D-pad) or click a button, both of my windows respond to this event. What am I doing wrong?