"reverting" between animations & linking objects to bones
Hi all,
I am having a little issue with avatar animation I'm hoping you can help me solve. When I have multiple animations following one another (just using multiple avatar.addAction(vizact.animation(n)) calls ) the avatar "reverts" back to the state position between different animations. (i.e. between an animation of clapping and dancing for example, her arms move very quickly back toward her side as in the idle state before moving into the dancing animation).
Is there a way to avoid this?
Another problem I am encountering is that I get an "ERROR: Link failed (source linkable is invalid)" when attempting to link an object to a complete character (non-HD) 's Bip01 R Hand bone. I am not sure why this is as the exact same code runs fine if I replace the character with vcc_female.cfg and the bones are named the same.
Thanks in advance for any help!