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Old 11-21-2008, 10:11 AM
utepbereed utepbereed is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: El Paso
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Arranging Scenes in Correct Order

I am a relative newbie to Python and Vizard despite being more familiar with other programming languages. I am sure this question has been asked over a thousand times, but here goes again!
I have taken over a project at my University that was abandoned by a previous employee. We are trying to simulate various events on our Campus and have several scenes that should take place in a specific order. I have modified the scripts left by the previous employee so that they work individually, but now I discover when combined, all scenes try start at once resulting in errors. The program is rather large and complex, so I have broken my code into object classes and various support modules that I won’t post here. Instead, I have written a pseudocode example of the problem I am having, namely that all functions run at once instead of in series as we intended (We are not using threads). Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated!
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Last edited by utepbereed; 11-21-2008 at 10:12 AM. Reason: About threads
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Old 11-21-2008, 10:19 AM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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I would highly recommend using the viztask module to control the flow of your program. Each stage would be implemented as a task and the main function would just yield each stage one after the other:
def stage1():
    while SomeCondition:
        #Do something each frame here

        #Wait for next frame
        yield None

def stage2():
    while SomeCondition:
        #Do something each frame here

        #Wait for next frame
        yield None

def main():
    #Execute stage 1 and wait for it to finish
    yield stage1()
    #Execute stage 2 and wait for it to finish
    yield stage2()

There are a lot of examples in the docs showing how to use the viztask module. You can also ask here on the forum if you have more specific questions about it.
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