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Old 05-18-2005, 04:07 PM
vadrian vadrian is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 32
passing data to viz.director

is there a way to pass information to vis.director(func)? I have an array of people i want to blink, and this is my setup, but i don't see it working:

class Person(viz.VizAvatar, viz.EventClass):
    def _blink(self):
        viz.starttimer(TIMER_BLINK, random.uniform(BLINK_DELAY_MIN, BLINK_DELAY_MAX))

    def _ontimer(self, num):
        if num == TIMER_BLINK:
i don't think "self" is getting passed into blink(). is there a better way to make an avatar blink on its own (I dont want to have N timers or N blink funtions)

EDIT: my reason for the director function is because i need the waittime. otherwise the blink happens too fast and looks unnatural.
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Old 05-18-2005, 04:30 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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How is it not working? From what I can tell it should work fine. Anyway, to answer your question, you can pass arguments to director functions. Example:
def func(x,y,z):
    print x,y,z

There are a bunch of ways to make an avatar blink. You could use timers, director functions, or node actions. If I had to choose I would use node actions. Take a look in the documentation under the "Actions" section. Here is how you could create a blink action:
#Create action that will make a face blink
blinkAction = vizact.sequence(vizact.waittime(vizact.randfloat(BLINK_DELAY_MIN, BLINK_DELAY_MAX)),vizact.morph(0,1.0,0.1),vizact.waittime(BLINK_DURATION),vizact.morph(0,0.0,0.1),viz.FOREVER)

#Add the action to the face object
As you can tell, I really like creating long unreadable lines of code

If you use the above example then you might need to change the BLINK_DURATION value since the actions are performed sequentially.
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