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Old 04-08-2008, 12:13 PM
cheezus69 cheezus69 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 2
Video Texturing

Hi, I'm new to the forums, I've been guided here by my lecturer at Uni. I'm trying to texture a box, but it doesn't seem to want to work properly. Here's the bit of my code that does the video...

import viz


cinemas = viz.add('Thing.ive')

Screen01 = cinemas.getchild('Screen01')
Screen01Trailer = viz.addVideo('Trailer1.mpg')

global Trailer01Play
Trailer01Play = 'FALSE'

def mouseclick(button):
	global Trailer01Play

	print 'mouse clicked'

	if button == viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT:
		pickObject = viz.pick()

	if pickObject.valid() and pickObject == Screen01 and Trailer01Play == 'FALSE':
		Trailer01Play = 'TRUE'
		print 'Trailer 1 Playing'
	elif pickObject.valid() and pickObject == Screen01 and Trailer01Play == 'TRUE':
		Trailer01Play = 'FALSE'
		print 'Trailer 1 Stopped'
viz.callback(viz.MOUSEDOWN_EVENT,mouseclick) plays the sound ok, but the video is weird, it kind of seems to show random single colours from the video file. Any chance you know what I'm doing wrong here??

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!...

P.S. While I'm here too, another problem I'm having is, is it possible to have a GUI that has buttons (in this case arrows) that can be held down and have a constant action. Basically, I'm making this thing as if it can go on a touch screen, and I want to be able to hold down on the up arrow on the GUI and it will move forward for as long as you hold it down, as opposed to how it's doing it now, with it having to be pressed lots of times to move forward.
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Old 04-08-2008, 06:18 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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Does the video show up fine when you apply it to a texture quad, like in the following example?
import viz

video = viz.add('Trailer1.mpg')

If so, then your Thing.ive model might now have correct texture coordinates. You will need to add the texture coordinates in your modeling software and re-export it.

Also, here is an example that shows how to perform functions while a button is pressed:
import viz


#Add buttons for turning viewpoint left/right
lbutton = viz.addButtonLabel('Turn Left',pos=(0.4,0.1,0))
rbutton = viz.addButtonLabel('Turn Right',pos=(0.6,0.1,0))

#Setup timers for turning viewpoint
def TurnView(speed):
turnLeftTimer = vizact.ontimer(0,TurnView,-TURN_SPEED)
turnRightTimer = vizact.ontimer(0,TurnView,TURN_SPEED)

#Disable timers initially

#Enable turn left timer while turn left button is down

#Enable turn right timer while turn right button is down
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Old 04-14-2008, 04:26 AM
cheezus69 cheezus69 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 2
hey, thanks loads for that, I applied a temporary texture with a UVW map in Max n then applied the video texture in Vizard n it works fine now!... and those button textures work great too, didn't realise I could apply textures to buttons on GUI, lots better than the way I was tryina do it...

thanks again... ^_^
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