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Old 11-16-2016, 12:57 PM
jelly jelly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 38
Proximity Manager - How to implement delay


I have a timing issue in my script, as I am not sure how to implement a delay, in that when the proximity sensor is entered, a variable (handstate) changes only after 2 seconds have elapsed.

That variable change triggers a certain action in a different function, but to keep it simple, I have copied below the proximity function I have:

def EnterProximity_IndexFinger(e): # decide what happens on sensor entry
	global handstate
	e.sensor == SensorIndexFinger 
	handstate = 1
	print "sensor A entered"
	print condition
So far, I tried to not change the handstate inside the proximity function but to use it to call another function that has a delay implemented. Something like this:

def Change(): 
        global handstate
        yield viztask.waitTime(2)
        handstate = 1

def EnterProximity_IndexFinger(e): # decide what happens on sensor entry
	global handstate
	e.sensor == SensorIndexFinger 
	print "sensor A entered"
        yield Change()
Another thing I tried is to not use the "manager.onEnter" it but the "yield vizproximity.waitEnter". However, I must be doing something wrong as neither method works.

I reckon it must not be too tricky to achieve this - in essence I just want a 2 second delay after proximity sensor was entered before my action is triggered. But I am not sure how to achieve this. I would be very happy to receive some ideas or help!

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Old 11-16-2016, 06:36 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Use the vizproximity.waitEnter command within a task function:

import viztask

def proximityTask():

	yield vizproximity.waitEnter(SensorIndexFinger)
	print 'entered sensor'
	yield viztask.waitTime(2)
	print 'two seconds elapsed'

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Old 11-17-2016, 03:45 AM
jelly jelly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 38
Dear Jeff,

thank you for the help, this seems like the way to go! But I have some problems with it:

I noticed that adding the line

makes the event happen only once, upon entering the sensor for the first time.

My question would be how do I make it happen everytime, like it was the case when I used

I tried the following (somehow adding the function that specifies the delay to the manager):

SensorIndexFinger = vizproximity.Sensor(vizproximity.Box([0.03,0.03,0.03],center=[0,0,0]),IndexFinger) 

def proximityTask():
        global handstate
	yield vizproximity.waitEnter(SensorIndexFinger)
	print 'entered sensor'
	yield viztask.waitTime(2)
	print 'two seconds elapsed'
        handstate = 1
        print 'change hand'

def EnterProximity_IndexFinger(e): # decide what happens on sensor entry
	global handstate
	e.sensor == SensorIndexFinger 
	print "activate proximityTask"
But I get an error "TypeError: 'generator' object is not callable."

I would be very happy to hear if you had any suggestions on how to call the action (with delay) every time the sensor was entered, as I can't seem to find a way to implement it
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Old 11-17-2016, 04:29 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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You can add a loop inside the task function:

def proximityTask():

	while True:
		yield vizproximity.waitEnter(SensorIndexFinger)
		print 'entered sensor'
		yield viztask.waitTime(2)
		print 'two seconds elapsed'

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Old 11-18-2016, 09:48 AM
jelly jelly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 38

Thank you so much, Jeff, this works perfectly!
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proximity, proximity sensor, timing

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