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Old 06-11-2009, 07:21 AM
Vic Vic is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 10
Intersense InertiaCube

We are currently using an Intersense InertiaCube and are having problem with the Yaw drifting by as much as 12 degress from where it should be. We suspect this may be caused by electromagnetic interference in the room. We have also been made aware that we can use the PPTH system to fix this drifting by employing two LEDs on top of the HMD and tracking these. I know there has been a lot of work developing the code for getting this to work. Can you please let us know what we need to do to implement this. Have you developed a plugin or driver or something that we can use?
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Old 06-11-2009, 11:21 AM
wayne wayne is offline
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Location: Santa Barbara, CA
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Optical Heading Plugin

Hi there,

The newer versions of PPT 3.x include a plugin called "Optical Heading", which you can use to correct for magnetic distortions in a room. You should make sure you have the "Intersense" plugin first, followed by "Optical Heading". You need to then attach two LEDs side by side on your HMD, with a spacing of about 20-30 centimeters. You then tell the plugin how far apart the LEDs are (use a ruler to measure the distance) and then it will take the two LEDs and combine them into one at the center, and correct distortions in your orientation sensor. The nice part about the Optical Heading plugin is that you get all the smoothness of the InterSense cube, with the accuracy of the lights, but without the jitter that is caused by a purely optical solution. So you get the best of both worlds, with no additional latency. Give it a try and see how you go. If your PPT does not include this plugin, please email to get an updated version.

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Old 06-15-2009, 10:36 AM
Vic Vic is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 10

Thanks to your assistance, I was able to setup the plugins and use them. However, I'm experiencing some difficulty at the moment. Before, my Intersense InertiaCube2 was connected to the computer running Vizard. But, in order to use the "Intersense" plugin, I had to connect the InertiaCube to the computer running PPT. Now, my previous viztracker file doesn't work properly, because my viztracker detects no InertiaCube2 so it won't reset the view to the original one when I press 'r'. I was wondering how I could fix this.

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