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Old 11-21-2016, 04:32 AM
jelly jelly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 38
delaying proximity reaction makes sensor unresponsive for the time of delay

In a recent post I had a problem implementing a delay in the proximity manager and Jeff has suggested the solution of using "vizproximity.waitEnter" and a while loop:

def proximityTask():
        global handstate
	while True:
		yield vizproximity.waitEnter(SensorIndexFinger)
		print 'entered sensor'
		yield viztask.waitTime(2)
		print 'two seconds elapsed'
                handstate = 1

However, with this code I have a new problem and I decided to open up a new thread:

What happens now is that, once the sensor is entered, the action (change of the variable handstate from 0 to 1), will be delayed by two seconds. However if I happen to enter the sensor again very quickly, before these two 2 seconds have elapsed, nothing happens, as it seems that it is not registered that the sensor has been entered, until the first action takes place.

I wonder if there is a way around this? I tried to to the following: I will change a new variable upon entry but then I will make a new function where I say that IF the new variable "condition" is equal to 1 then after 2 seconds the handstate should change to 1 (= delayed action). This way I am hoping that I am not delaying the action itself in the proximity manager, I am delaying it outside of that function so that the proximity manager can freely register all entries.

def EnterProximity_IndexFinger(e): # decide what happens on sensor entry
	global handstate, condition
	e.sensor == SensorIndexFinger 
	condition = 1
	print condition
with this I am just changing the variable condition and the I will try to use that in the following way:

def Handdelay():
	global handstate, condition
	print "now"
	if condition == 1:
		#yield vizproximity.waitEnter(SensorIndexFinger)
		yield viztask.waitTime(2)
		handstate = 1
		print "open hand"
		handstate = 0

Unfortunately, the condition change is registered as soon as I enter the sensor, but the function which is supposed to call the delayed action (handstate changing to 1) is not working.

I would be very grateful for help!
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proximity, proximity sensor, timing

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