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Old 11-30-2011, 11:23 AM
andrewjworz andrewjworz is offline
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Posts: 11
Rendering different objects and fov's

I am creating a virtual forest, and I am wondering if there is any way I can do these two things:

1) First, I would like to switch the field of view after an event occurs. For example, I would like to load the scene,take some screen shots, and after I'm finished with the original fov, I would like to switch to a different field of view with a something like a "yield viztask.waitKeyDown()" event. How can I do this? Can this be done without using multiple scenes?

2) I would also like to initially load the virtual forest with planar-billboards, move the viewpoint through the world, and then substitute the planar billboard object with a 3d object based on some rule relating to my position in the world. For example, if a tree billboard is within 5 meters of the viewpoint, then render the tree as its corresponding 3d object rather than as a billboard. If the billboard is greater than 5 meters, rendering the tree as a billboard is okay. Is is possible to do this? If so, can you please outline the steps I will have to take. Can this be done without using multiple scenes?

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Old 11-30-2011, 07:44 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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1) Yes, this is possible:
import viz
import viztask

gallery = viz.add('gallery.ive')

def changeFOV():
	yield viztask.waitKeyDown(' ')
viztask.schedule( changeFOV() )
2) You can check the distance between the viewpoint and each billboard using the vizmat.Distance command. The check can be done within a timer function on some regular interval. Based on the distance you can swap a new model in.

If you have access to Vizard 4 this can be accomplished using proximity sensors.
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Old 12-01-2011, 01:27 AM
sleiN13 sleiN13 is offline
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Those proximity sensors sound like a interesting feature, I can;t find any documentation about it in the vizard 4 help files. Do you have some examples of it's use?
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Old 12-01-2011, 10:01 AM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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Originally Posted by sleiN13 View Post
Those proximity sensors sound like a interesting feature, I can;t find any documentation about it in the vizard 4 help files. Do you have some examples of it's use?
It's in the latest version. Go to Help -> Check for Updates to download the new version.
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fov, objects, rendering

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