We at WorldViz are hopeful that a new 3D file format called Collada (
www.collada.org) will emerge as a useful interchange format between content creation tools and real-time simulations products such as Vizard. It’s too early to tell and WorldViz is still experimenting with the format to determine it’s pros and cons. Starting with Vizard R3 Beta 2, Vizard will include loader support for the Collada DAE format so that you can begin trying this format in your Vizard scenes.
Feelingsoftware.com was contracted by Autodesk to create the Collada export plug-ins for both 3DMax and Maya. Others have built exporters for Blender, LightWave, XSI, Houdini, and AgentFX. The format has a strong emphasis on real-time graphics (it supports shaders and physics), and in some ways seems to be the “work horse” replacement to VRML.
To start using Collada with Max or Maya, go to
www.feelingsoftware.com and download (you must register with them first). There you can also obtain a “reference” viewer which you can use to verify your exports. Users of other 3D tools should go to collada.org/public_forum and find the appropriate download.
You can read an industry article giving some more background on this format.