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Old 07-27-2006, 03:12 AM
dav dav is offline
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General Questions about Vizard: World Viz

Hello there

The company I am working for has asked me to review several Virtual Reality creation tools, and World Viz is the one that I'm focusing on, as it seems to be the most powerful.

We had a list of questions, and luckily just by running through the tutorials I have been able to answer most of them to our satisfaction. But I still have a few left and I was wondering if you (the forum users and or administrators) could supply me with the answers before we possibly shell out for 5 licences.

One of our major concerns is World Viz's capabilities of having code/rules applied to it. From the tutorials it's obvious that this is possible, as the scripts used are python. The website even touts that it is easy to integrate C++ with the python. Yet there wasn't a tutorial for this and I haven't been able to dig up any examples to see how it's done. Is there an easy to follow example on the website that tells me what I need installed etc?

Also I believe that World Viz is capable of creating Web Deliverable content – can the python scripts be made to call external javascripts that share the same web page as the 3D environment? We need to be able to report back to a LMS (Learning Management System) and the easiest way to do this would be to use Javascript.

An extension to the previous question is how are finished simulations packaged. Does World Viz have the capability to create a executable file? Or is some kind of special viewer required? In the examples I've created and finished I haven't been able to find an “export” option. Sorry if this is a bit vague but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for yet. Again the inbuilt tutorials don't seem to mention this.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope it's made sense and that someone can answer my questions.


David Worsley.
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Old 07-27-2006, 10:29 AM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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The website even touts that it is easy to integrate C++ with the python. Yet there wasn't a tutorial for this and I haven't been able to dig up any examples to see how it's done. Is there an easy to follow example on the website that tells me what I need installed etc?
Are you trying to create a python plugin or a Vizard plugin? Either way, you can download the Vizard SDK from the downloads page on our website which contains some examples. If you want to create a rendering plugin (i.e. custom node, modifier) you need to be somewhat familiar with OpenSceneGraph, since this is the underlying rendering engine used by Vizard.

Also I believe that World Viz is capable of creating Web Deliverable content – can the python scripts be made to call external javascripts that share the same web page as the 3D environment? We need to be able to report back to a LMS (Learning Management System) and the easiest way to do this would be to use Javascript.
Vizard cannot be embedded into a web page. You can embed Vizard into your own GUI application using a toolkit such as wxPython.

An extension to the previous question is how are finished simulations packaged. Does World Viz have the capability to create a executable file? Or is some kind of special viewer required? In the examples I've created and finished I haven't been able to find an “export” option. Sorry if this is a bit vague but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for yet. Again the inbuilt tutorials don't seem to mention this.
No, Vizard does not have an option to package your script into a single executable.
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Old 07-27-2006, 11:22 AM
tobin tobin is offline
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One more note about executables, the upcoming version of Vizard, R3, will provide a documented workflow for creating an EXE packaging of your simulations. The final form of this is still in the works so we are not yet releasing details. You're welcome to contact if you need more specific information to make your purchasing decision.
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Old 08-14-2006, 01:36 AM
dav dav is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 2
Thank you for the replies guys.

I have a couple more questions now if I may.

Firstly tobin mentioned that the new version of vizard (R3) will allow you to create executables. When will this become available to buy?

And also is there an end user license fee associated with the finished product?

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Old 08-18-2006, 05:27 PM
tobin tobin is offline
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Please contact if you'd like to try out R3, providing some information about your affiliation. The first public release of R3 is likely to happen by the end of the year but there's no firm date that's been released yet. Re licensing, again, it's not a final decision, but it's likely that there will be no license fee owed to WorldViz for distributing your finished product.
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Old 08-28-2006, 04:44 PM
mspusch mspusch is offline
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The final answer is now confirmed, there will be no license fee owed to WorldViz for distributing your finished product, i.e. no runtime fees for Vizard executables.
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