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Stereoscopic Vizard Question
We recently installed a GeForce FX 5500 AGP 8x Dual Display card (w/ 2 VGA outputs) that we use to power our V8 headset in stereoscopic mode. The card seemed to work very well for our purposes until we noticed that only the left display was rendering the avatars in our program. The right display rendered everything else perfectly, it simply does not show the avatars in the program (e.g., close your right eye the avatars are there, close your left eye and they disappear). Both displays are set to the same specifications (as far as I can tell). Does anyone have any insights into what might be causing this?
How are you engaging stereo mode for your Vizard simulation. You should be selecting "horizontal span" under the nView settings on your nVidia card driver. Then from the Vizard side, you should enable viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.HMD) to have Vizard draw both the left and right eye images.
Is this what you are doing or are you doing something different? |
The video card is set up to display horizontally (so now the display is 2 monitors wide when not running a vizard program) and we are manually setting the vizard display options using the PROMPT command (in which we are checking HMD, Fullscreen, stereoscopic, and tracking).
I want to re-emphasize, we are getting the stereoscopic, 3-D effect for the entire environment (except for the avatars positioned in the environment). Vizard is sending slightly different images to each eye to make the 3-D effect work. The only exception is with avatars--the left image displays the enviroment with avatars in their proper position, the right image displays the environment with no avatars. (The avatars remain still and motionless during the program.) This produces a weird ghost-avatar effect when experiencing the environment with both eyes open as the environment is perfectly rendered in 3-D, but the avatars are present only in the left eye. |
Thanks for the clarification. But to press a little further, do you use nVidia's nView Horizontal Span to get the desktop spread across the two monitors or are you using the DualView setting. There is an important albeit subtle difference between the two and you want to be absolutely certain you're using the former.
If you run the gallery world demo that's part of your Vizard installation, do you get this effect with the avatars in that script? |
Thank you for pressing further--we had been using it in dual display mode and not in the horizontal display mode. The avatars now display properly.
A follow-up if I may: We are regularly getting vertical lines in our V8 display both in mono and stereo modes (regluarly spaced across the length of both eye displays). Is there any chance that this may be a software issue? I am somewhat resigned to it being an issue with our V8 headset, but I thought I might ask if you have heard of this issue before. We are not calling up any special display options when loading and as I mentioned before it occurs in both mono and stereo modes. Any insights would be helpful--I really appreciate your help. |
I've seen those artifacts on V8s myself and they are a hardware issue. It would be worth contacting Virtual Research and asking whether and what they'd charge to clean or refurbish your HMD. They have an excellent reputation for standing behind their products.
Thanks for your help.
I wanted to follow up with this issue. I'm having a bit of a problem with my code. Everything works according to plan, however, if I close my left eye and try to look through only my right eye, the mouse does not show accurately. The mouse cursor is being used as an "aiming" device and bullets shoot from the point where the mouse is pointing. When I aim with my left eye, I can aim at the target and shoot fine, but when I close the left eye and aim with my right eye, even if I point directly at the target, the bullet goes through the target and nothing happens to the avatar. Here is my code:
import viz import vizmat import math import time viz.go(viz.STEREO | viz.TRACKER | viz.FULLSCREEN) #commands to enable HMD tracking if viz.get(viz.TRACKER): v = viz.add('intersense.dls') #pos = viz.add('vizppt.dls') viz.tracker() v.reset() tracking = 1 else: tracking = 0 viz.collision(viz.ON) viz.translate(viz.HEAD_POS,0,0,-1) #Set eye distance to 0 to show why the bullet goes to the left of the mouse viz.ipd(0) #arrays avatars = [] #for avatars bullets = [] #for number of balls dead_list = [] #list for dead avatars #constants NUM_BULLETS = 3 #number of balls in the array BULLET_SPEED = 250 #speed in meters/secs of the bullet rotRight = viz.Transform() #bullet rotation rotRight.setRot(0,1,0,-90) ANIMATION = 1 #animation ID NUM_AVATARS = 6 #the number of avatars TIME_BETWEEN_AVATARS = 5 #time between each avatar START_AVATAR = 0 #flag to start avatars nextAvatar = 0 #index for avatars nextBullet = 0 #index for the next ball in the array ACTIVE_AVATARS = 5 #create a flag to reset array index = NUM_AVATARS #looping index nextAvatar = 0 theta = (math.pi / 3) sunlight = viz.add(viz.LIGHT) sunlight.position(10,10,-20) sunlight.direction(-0.5,-0.5,1) sunlight.color(1,1,1) sky = viz.add('skydome.dlc',0,'',15) env = viz.add(viz.ENVIRONMENT_MAP,'sky.bmp') sky.texture(env) sky.disable(viz.FOG) court = viz.add('terrain1.wrl') court.scale(0.5,0.5,0.5) court.rotate(0,1,0,-90) court.translate(-5,0,-10) court.appearance(viz.MODULATE) court.disable(viz.LIGHT0) #Add a crosshair crosshair = viz.add(viz.TEXQUAD,viz.SCREEN) crosshair.texture(viz.add('crosshair.tif')) #print 'i\t\t\t\t\t''x\t\t\t\t\t\t''z' #Create six avatars for i in range(NUM_AVATARS): headpos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) newX = -10 * math.sin(theta * i) newZ = 10 * math.tan(theta * i) if newZ <=10: newZ = -17 else: newZ = 10 * math.tan(theta * i) #print i,"\t\t\t\t\t",newX,"\t",newZ male = viz.add('male.cfg') male.scale(1.25,1.25,1.25) male.translate(newX,-10,newZ) male.rotate(180,0,0) avatars.append(male) #Save avatar in list #WalkForever = vizact.sequence(vizact.walkto(vizact.randfloat(-2,5),0,vizact.randfloat(-10,5)),viz.FOREVER) def walkAvatar(starter): global court walk = starter.walkto(0,court,-10.5,1,260,2) #Clear all the avatar's actions, reposition it, and start the walk action starter.clear(viz.ALL) starter.act(walk) for x in range(0,NUM_BULLETS): #create a bullet that is initially hidden bullet = viz.add('ball.wrl') bullet.scale(.1,.1,.1) bullet.visible(viz.OFF) bullet.disable(viz.COLLISION) bullet.active = 0 #add the ball to the ball list bullets.append(bullet) def RemoveAvatar(avatar): avatar.visible(0) #Hide avatar avatar.speed(1) #Restore speed avatars.remove(avatar) #Remove from list dead_list.append(avatar) #Add to dead list def RestoreAvatar(): # global court x = vizmat.GetRandom(-10,10) z = vizmat.GetRandom(-20,10) if len(dead_list): avatar = dead_list.pop() #Ressurrect dead avatar avatar.visible(1) #Make it visible avatars.append(avatar) #Add it to avatar list avatar.translate(x,0,z) walkAvatar(avatar) def shootBullet(): global nextBullet #find the next available ball to shoot bullet = bullets[nextBullet] nextBullet = (nextBullet + 1) % NUM_BULLETS #Calculate the vector of the ball based on the mouse position pos = viz.mousepos() bulletvector = viz.screentoworld(pos[0]+0.25,pos[1]) #Need to account for stereo bullet.vector = viz.Vector(bulletvector[3]-bulletvector[0],bulletvector[4]-bulletvector[1],bulletvector[5]-bulletvector[2]) bullet.vector.normalize() bullet.vector *= BULLET_SPEED #translate the bullet to the head position bullet.translate(viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS)) #make the bullet visible bullet.visible(viz.ON) #mark the bullet as active bullet.active = 1 def MoveBullet(bullet,elapsed): #get the bullet's current position pos = bullet.get(viz.POSITION) #calculate the balls future position based on it's velocity futurePos = pos + (bullet.vector * elapsed) #Check if bullet intersected with anything info = viz.intersect(pos,futurePos) if info.intersected: if info.object in avatars: WaitThenFreeze = vizact.sequence( vizact.waittime(info.object.getduration(7)-0.05), vizact.speed_node(0) ) info.object.execute(7) info.object.clear(viz.ALL) info.object.clear(viz.CURRENT_ACTION) info.object.add(WaitThenFreeze) #Add the action to the avatar RemoveAvatarAction = vizact.call(RemoveAvatar,info.object) info.object.add(RemoveAvatarAction) #Add action to remove avatar bullet.visible(0) bullet.active = 0 #Update balls positions bullet.translate(futurePos.get()) def mytimer(num): global avatars if num == ANIMATION: #Calculate elapsed time since last update elapsed = viz.elapsed() #Update each active ball for bullet in bullets: if bullet.active: #Move the ball and check if it has collided with any objects MoveBullet(bullet,elapsed) #Update the crosshair position crosshair.translate(viz.mousepos()+[0]) elif num == START_AVATAR: global nextAvatar #Get the next available avatar and start it avatar = avatars[nextAvatar] walkAvatar(avatar) nextAvatar = (nextAvatar + 1) % len(avatars) print 'nextAvatar is', nextAvatar viz.starttimer(START_AVATAR,TIME_BETWEEN_AVATARS) #Restore next available avatar vizact.onkeydown(' ',RestoreAvatar) #Shoot a ball whenever left mousebutton is clicked vizact.onmousedown(viz.MOUSEBUTTON_LEFT,shootBullet) #Create callbacks for timer events viz.callback(viz.TIMER_EVENT,mytimer) #Start a timer which starts the next available avatar viz.starttimer(START_AVATAR,0.1) #Start the animation timer, which animates the ball and checks for collisions viz.starttimer(ANIMATION,0.01,-1) #Move the head position back viz.translate(viz.HEAD_POS,0,0,-10) #Disable mouse navigation viz.mouse(viz.OFF) #viz.cursor(0) |
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