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Old 04-03-2008, 08:58 AM
Elittdogg Elittdogg is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 77
Placing Text onto another object???

I want to know how to place some text (in this case a single letter) "on" a specific place in another object in the world. In other words, let's say I have a .wrl file with some model in my world. And let's say within that .wrl file there are six "boxes" and each "box" needs to have a unique letter in it.

I tried using A = viz.add(viz.TEXT3D, 'A') and I also tried using A = viz.add(viz.TEXT3D, 'A', viz.ABSOLUTE WORLD) because I can't have the text tied to the screen. (The viewpoint will be moving and I want the letters to stay put in each of their respective boxes).

Also, each box is in a different place in the environment so I'm assuming I'd have to just monkey with the translation of each of the letters until I got it inside it's appropriate box? Or is there an easier way? (I.e. is there a way to turn on "coordinates" within Vizard so I could see where each box lies and then translate each letter accordingly?

I'm going to try a couple more ideas but plainly speaking I'm running out and I'm stuck. Any help? Any ideas?

Thanks for the help in advance
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