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Old 01-10-2011, 04:39 PM
blessonisaac blessonisaac is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 18
Intersense wand and Head tracker

Hello tech. support,

I am using mechdyne PowerWall for VR modelling. I am using intersense wand and shutter glass as position tracker and head trackers.

1. How do i activate both simulatneously?

I could activate only one tracker at a time. Please see the codes below. I can enable each tracker by switching from T to S and vice versa in the line:,view)

import viz
gallery = viz.add('gallery.ive')
view = viz.get(viz.MAIN_VIEWPOINT)
# activating head tracker
sensor1 = viz.add('intersense.dls')
#activating wand
sensor2 = viz.add('intersense.dls')
S = sensor1
T = sensor2
link = T,view)

2. When the intersenses are enabled, the scene is rotated 90 degrees from its yaw . It should be [0,0,0] in the beginning. Why is this happening?

3. How do I call a function using sensor buttons?

for example,

def moveforward(view):

# This function will move the scene 1 unit forward on keydown 'e'

If I want to use wand to call for the same function, the following codes must be used.

vizact.onsensordown(sensor,button,function,argumen ts)

I am using IS 900 intersense. what is the parameter i have to provide at sensor? For button, what do i give for button?There are four buttons and a toggle key for wand

Please reply,

Blesson Isaac
Research Assistant
Mechanical Enginerring
Prairie View A&M University
Cell # 713 553 4037
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