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Old 03-14-2013, 01:28 AM
Meneer_Aart Meneer_Aart is offline
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Posts: 4
avatar walkto interrupt


This maybeIs there a way to stop an avatar that's walking from point A to point B "dead in it's tracks"?

My code untill now looks somewhat like this:

def walk1():
	yield viztask.waitKeyDown( ' ' )
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointA]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointB]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointC]))
	yield viztask.waitTime(10)

def walk2():
	yield viztask.waitKeyDown( ' ' )
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointD]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointE]))
	yield viztask.waitTime(10)
So during ANY of the walkto actions i want to be able to stop the avatar where he is, and let him perform some kind of action on that spot.
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Old 03-14-2013, 07:04 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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In the following example the spacebar is used to start and stop the avatar as he walks between two points:
import viz
import viztask
import vizact

avatar = viz.addAvatar('vcc_male2.cfg',pos=[0,0,9])

walkLeft = vizact.walkTo([2.5,0,9])
walkRight = vizact.walkTo([-2.5,0,9])
walkActions = viz.cycle([walkLeft,walkRight])

waitSpaceBar = viztask.waitKeyDown(' ')
waitLeft = viztask.waitActionEnd(avatar,walkLeft)
waitRight = viztask.waitActionEnd(avatar,walkRight)
waitActions = viz.cycle([waitLeft,waitRight])

def walkAndStopTask():
	yield waitSpaceBar
	while True:
		condition = waitSpaceBar
		walkAction =
		waitAction =
		while condition == waitSpaceBar:
			d = yield viztask.waitAny([waitSpaceBar,waitAction])
			condition = d.condition
			if condition == waitSpaceBar:
				yield waitSpaceBar

Last edited by Jeff; 03-14-2013 at 08:08 AM.
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Old 03-20-2013, 02:41 AM
Meneer_Aart Meneer_Aart is offline
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Red face

Thanks for your reply Jeff. I've tried the "clearactions()" statement.
However, since i'm using schedule to arrange the actions, i have to kill that as well to prevent the other walking actions from running.

I've tried this:

def walk1():
	yield viztask.waitKeyDown( ' ' )
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointA]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointB]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointC]))
	yield viztask.waitTime(10)

def walk2():
	yield viztask.waitKeyDown( ' ' )
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointD]))
	yield viztask.addAction(avatar, vizact.walkTo([pointE]))
	yield viztask.waitTime(10)

def stop():

t = viztask.schedule(walk1())

And this works, it stops the avatar completely and he returns to his idle state. However, it is inconvenient to have to push 2 keys to stop the avatar, so i tried to add the killing of the schedule to my stop command:

def stop():

But this doesn't work for me, Is there a way to combine the 2 commands? I feel i'm overlooking something very simple here, but i can't quite put my finger on it.
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Old 03-20-2013, 02:59 AM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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Once the user stops the avatar, what is the next action that should be applied to the avatar? If the avatar stops on the way to PointA, should he pick up from the same place later and continue to PointA, or go to PointB, or should the whole task be ended?
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Old 04-02-2013, 07:45 AM
Meneer_Aart Meneer_Aart is offline
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Posts: 4
Jeff, i'm writing some software for a military simulation, the avatar actually gets shot and killed.
So the whole task should be ended, i would like the avatar to assume a specific state (lie down) and perform no actions anymore after that.
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Old 04-09-2013, 06:39 AM
Meneer_Aart Meneer_Aart is offline
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Posts: 4
Not to sound too desperate, but i'm still having some difficulties with this. Does anybody perhaps have a suggestion for me?
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Old 04-09-2013, 03:41 PM
Jeff Jeff is offline
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If you're waiting for either the walk action to finish or the keypress to occur you should use the viztask.waitAny command. Then if the event was a keypress you can leave the task using the return command:
d = yield viztask.waitAny([waitSpaceBar,waitAction])
condition = d.condition
if condition == waitSpaceBar:
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avatar, interrupt, stop, walkto

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