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Old 01-29-2014, 07:10 AM
Anastaggra Anastaggra is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Getting updated position

Hi all,

I am new to Vizard and still learning..
So, I am trying to move point of view from one position to another position using fluid movement (vizact.goto) and after the view point is moved to a new location, I need to get the the new coordinate of the view.
I wrote the following code:

view = viz.MainView #grab the coordinate of main view
seq1 = vizact.goto([10,2,15]),3,viz.SPEED, pivot = [0,2,0], ori_mask = viz.BODY_ORI)

#execute action on key down
vizact.onkeydown(' ', view.runAction, seq1)

#get the current position after movement of view point
x,y,z = view.getPosition()
print "Your current position is", x,y,z

The problem is, instead of getting the position of view after the goto command ([10,2,15]), the getPosition always return the original position.
Is there any way that I can update the coordinate of the variable 'view' each time after an action is executed.

Thank you very much for all your help.
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Old 02-01-2014, 12:15 AM
Frank Verberne Frank Verberne is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 148
Hi Anastaggra,

There is a simple solution for your problem. The problem is that with the code you provided, your variables x,y, and z are set once the code runs, and not updated when the position of the viewpoint is updated. What you need to do is to update x,y, and z after you have pressed the spacebar. So instead of running only the action, you also need to update x,y, and z. See below for an example using a sample environment that comes with Vizard:
import viz
import vizact


view = viz.MainView #grab the coordinate of main view
seq1 = vizact.goto([0,2,2],3,viz.SPEED, pivot = [0,2,0], ori_mask = viz.BODY_ORI)
#get the current position after movement of view point
x,y,z = view.getPosition()
print "Your current position is", x,y,z

def moveView():
	#get the current position after movement of view point
	x,y,z = view.getPosition()
	print "Your current position is", x,y,z

#execute action on key down
vizact.onkeydown(' ', moveView)
Good luck!
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