I have a sneaking suspicion that this is really easy, but I'm just not seeing how to do this. I've got a module that's supposed to take the data from my tracker and figure out what my subject is looking at. I'm trying to make this data get written into a data file when my subject collides with an object in the main program. I think the code should look something like
import viz
import math
import vizmat
import vizinfo
import vizact
from lookingat import LookingAt #the module
#adds the ppt
ppt = viz.add('vizppt.dls')
isense = viz.add('intersense.dls')
tracker = viz.add('intersense.dls')
# open a datafile for recording
subject = viz.input('Subject number:')
filename = 'subject' + str(subject) + '.txt'
datafile = open(filename,'a')
#testing collisions
view = viz.get(viz.MAIN_VIEWPOINT)
def mycollision(info):
viz.callback(viz.COLLISION_EVENT, mycollision)
with the lookingat file like this
import viz
from math import cos, sin, radians
import vizmat # library for vector math
class LookingAt:
# Constructs a new LookingAt object, which contains a pointer to
# the client's viz.
# @param vz: current Vizard instance (just pass in viz)
def __init__(self, vz):
self.v = vz
# Calculates a projected point from given viewpoint at the given proximity.
# @param pos: position of view
# @param euler: euler coordinates of view orientation
# @param proximity: distance of projected point from viewpoint
# @return: Projected point
def projection(self, pos, euler, proximity):
theta = radians(euler[0])
phi = radians(euler[1] + 90)
xProj = pos[0] + proximity*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
yProj = pos[1] - proximity*cos(phi)
zProj = pos[2] + proximity*cos(theta)*sin(phi)
return [xProj, yProj, zProj]
# Finds the point ([X, Y, Z]) on the object the user is looking at.
# @param v: viz pointer
# @param proximity: max distance of viewed objects from viewpoint
# @param objects: OPTIONAL list of objects to restrict intersection to
# @return: Point on object, or None if not looking at any objects
def lookingPoint(self, proximity, objects=0):
pos = self.v.get(viz.HEAD_POS)
euler = self.v.get(viz.HEAD_EULER)
proj = self.projection(pos, euler, proximity)
intersection = self.v.intersect(pos, proj)
if intersection.valid:
if (objects == 0):
return intersection.point
for object in objects:
if (intersection.object == object):
return intersection.point
# Finds the closest object the viewer is directly looking at.
# @param v: viz pointer
# @param proximity: max distance of viewed objects from viewpoint
# @return: Object looking at, or None if not looking at any objects
def lookingObject(self, proximity):
pos = self.v.get(viz.HEAD_POS)
euler = self.v.get(viz.HEAD_EULER)
proj = self.projection(pos, euler, proximity)
intersection = self.v.intersect(pos, proj)
if intersection.valid:
return intersection.object
however, i'm not getting this to work correctly. Am I missing a step in properly importing the lookingat data, or is there an error in the code I'm using to output the collision data?