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Old 06-30-2006, 03:22 PM
spacefarer spacefarer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Cambridge, MA
Posts: 17
3d viewpoint movement

I just tried the script for R2.5 as shown below which was given by Farshid, but it doesn't work with R3. Could anyone tell what's wrong with it, please?

import viz

#Add a ground

#Get main viewpoint object
view = viz.get(viz.MAIN_VIEWPOINT)

#Create a variable that will tell whether viewpoing is currently moving/turning
view.animating = 0

#Variable that holds current destination value
final = [0,0,0,0]

def rotateview(x,y,z,angle):
#Make sure view is not animating
if not view.animating:
#Compute rotation of turning body 90 degrees to right
xform = viz.Transform(view.get(viz.BODY_MAT))
final[:] = xform.getRot()[:]
#Start animating viewpoint
view.spinmask(viz.BODY_ORI) #Spin the body orientation
view.spinto(final,2,viz.TIME) #Spin for 2 seconds
view.animating = 1

def onkeydown(key):
if key == viz.KEY_UP:
#Make sure view is not animating
if not view.animating:
pos = view.get(viz.HEAD_POS)
trans = view.get(viz.BODY_LOOK)
#Round values to nearest integer
final[0] = int(round(pos[0] + trans[0]))
final[1] = int(round(pos[1] + trans[1]))
final[2] = int(round(pos[2] + trans[2]))
#Start animating viewpoint
view.animating = 1
elif key == '6': #yaw right
elif key == '4': #yaw left
elif key == '8': #pitch up
elif key == '2': #pitch down
elif key == '9': #roll right
elif key == '7': #roll left


def onstop(object, type):
if type == viz.MOVE:
#Viewpoint is done moving, translate it to the final value just to be sure
view.animating = 0
elif type == viz.SPIN:
#Viewpoint is done spinning, rotate it to the final value just to be sure
view.animating = 0

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