V-Realm Builder background and light load problems
I try to use simple background from V-Realm Builder in vizard but when i add this file as background.wrl file nothing appear in vizard window.
I know vizard already have skydome.dlc file to load sky easily but for now i just want simple file from V-Realm Builder. I previously use matlab so i just want to make same sample to use in vizard. I just use simple command like below but nothing appears but also no error found. import viz viz.go() background=viz.add('wrl_files/background.WRL') I try same command but for skydome like below.I dont add jpg sky files so nothing appears but at least i can see the background but this didnt happen when i load simple background file from V-Realm Builder. import viz viz.go() skydome=viz.add('skydome.dlc') I also try to add light function but also nothing appears.The command is like below. import viz viz.go() light=viz.add('wrl_files/light.WRL') I also add my files in zip file below. Am i missing something? Really need helps. Thanks. |