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Old 02-18-2008, 10:45 PM
xingxing xingxing is offline
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questions on how to create a form

can someone teach me how to create a form used to gather infomation entered by a user?

I need to do it in this way. If I pressed a key such as 'p', the animation would be paused. Then the form comes up. After the form is filled in, I press a 'submit' button to pass them to somewhere.

I already tried to use vizinfo and vizmenu. but they can just show a list , not a real form like what we did in the Microsoft Office.

Thanks a lot
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Old 02-20-2008, 10:36 AM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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You can try using the undocumented vizdlg module for displaying forms. It allows more advanced form layouts and dialog like components. Here is sample code that creates a custom dialog/form and displays it when the 'p' key is pressed:
import viz

import vizdlg

class MyForm(vizdlg.Dialog):

	def __init__(self,**kw):
		#Initialize base class
		#Add row of checkboxes
		row = vizdlg.Panel(layout=vizdlg.LAYOUT_HORZ_BOTTOM,border=False,background=False,margin=0)
		self.check1 = row.addItem(viz.addCheckbox())
		self.check2 = row.addItem(viz.addCheckbox())
		self.check3 = row.addItem(viz.addCheckbox())
		#Add row to dialog content section
		#Add a subgroup containing slider/textbox
		group = vizdlg.Panel()
		#Add row for slider to subgroup
		row = vizdlg.Panel(layout=vizdlg.LAYOUT_HORZ_BOTTOM,border=False,background=False,margin=0)
		self.slider = row.addItem(viz.addSlider())
		#Add row for textbox to subgroup
		row = vizdlg.Panel(layout=vizdlg.LAYOUT_HORZ_BOTTOM,border=False,background=False,margin=0)
		self.textbox = row.addItem(viz.addTextbox())
		#Add group to dialog content section

		#Hide cancel button
		#Rename accept button to 'submit'
import viztask

def FormTask():

	#Create input form
	form = MyForm(title='Form title')

	#Link form to center of screen,form)

	while True:
		#Wait for 'p' key to be pressed
		yield viztask.waitKeyDown('p')
		#TODO: Pause simulation
		#Display form
		if form.accepted:
			#User pressed 'Submit', process data
			print 'Checkboxes:',form.check1.get(),form.check2.get(),form.check3.get()
			print 'Slider:',form.slider.get()
			print 'Textbox:',form.textbox.get()
		#TODO: Resume simulation
	#Remove form when completely finished with it
viztask.schedule( FormTask() )
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Old 02-20-2008, 07:25 PM
xingxing xingxing is offline
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Wow.....many thanks. I really appreciate it. This is exactly what I considered. If the vizard could create many complex models, there should be some ways to make tables. However, could you plz tell me how I can get the specific use of this module? I just tried your sample code and part of my purpose already was achieved. As you mentioned , something more advanced is allowed. How can I do it? Since this module is not documented , it's really hard to know its exact usage which is vital to me.


Last edited by xingxing; 02-20-2008 at 07:29 PM.
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Old 02-21-2008, 06:46 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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You will need to be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish. Do you have a screenshot of a form you would like to mimic?
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Old 02-27-2008, 07:11 AM
xingxing xingxing is offline
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I finally got a place to upload the form in jpg format. This is basically what I wanna do. In addition , as the example provided previously, I also need the animation paused when I presss the "P" key. Is there an easy way to do this?
I really need this "pause" action. Thanks for help.
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Old 02-28-2008, 12:51 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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What kind of animation are you talking about? (vizact animation, avatar animation, etc..)
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Old 02-28-2008, 08:00 PM
xingxing xingxing is offline
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Hi, my work is about avatar animation.
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Old 06-12-2008, 11:36 AM
vizmaster vizmaster is offline
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How would I rewrite this so that the vizdlg is not in a yield statement. I try calling directly and nothing is displayed. I want to gather some user information then loop on a set of inputs. I would like to use vizdlg for the control I have over the form.
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Old 06-12-2008, 05:29 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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The show method just sets the dialog visible, waits for either the accept or cancel button to be pressed, then hides the dialog. If you do not want to use a task, then you can manually perform these steps. Here is the code for the show command:
def show(self):
	"""Create task that displays dialog"""
	#Show dialog
	#Yield until accept or cancel button is released
	d = viz.Data()
	yield viztask.waitButtonUp([self.accept,self.cancel],d)
	#Save whether the dialog was accepted
	self.accepted = d.button is self.accept
	#Hide dialog
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Old 06-13-2008, 10:01 AM
vizmaster vizmaster is offline
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When I add the yield statement I lose visibility of the form. I don't manually change the visibility. What gives?
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Old 06-13-2008, 10:33 AM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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You should not be using yield statements if you are not using tasks. Here is a sample script that displays a dialog without using tasks. Use the spacebar to toggle the visibility of the dialog.
import viz
import vizdlg

#Create empty dialog
dlg = vizdlg.Dialog(title='Dialog title')

#Link dialog to center of window,dlg)

#Toggle dialog visibility when spacebar is pressed
vizact.onkeydown(' ',dlg.visible,viz.TOGGLE)

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Old 06-13-2008, 11:50 AM
vizmaster vizmaster is offline
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Thanks, This is what I ended up with, but I don't want to display the gallery until I hit accept. I want to wait for the dialog to be done. Say the dialog asks for the user to make a button choice then accept before the gallery is displayed.

import viz
import vizdlg

#Create empty dialog
dlg = vizdlg.Dialog(title='Dialog title')

#Link dialog to center of window,dlg)

#Toggle dialog visibility when spacebar is pressed
vizact.onkeydown(' ',dlg.visible,viz.TOGGLE)
# Look for the Accept button to be pressed.
vizact.onbuttondown(dlg.accept,dlg.visible,viz.TOG GLE)
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Old 06-13-2008, 12:05 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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Is there a specific reason you don't want to use tasks? They are made for these type of cases where you want a linear flow of operations. Either way, here is how you would handle this without tasks. The code sets up a callback for the accept button and calls a function when it is clicked.
import viz
import vizdlg

#Create empty dialog
dlg = vizdlg.Dialog(title='Dialog title')

#Link dialog to center of window,dlg)

#Hide dialog and add gallery when accept is pressed
def DialogAccept():
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Old 06-13-2008, 01:16 PM
vizmaster vizmaster is offline
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I am new to this type of programming. If you add a
print 'The End'
at the end of the script the print statement is executed. This tells me execution continues. So I must not be approaching this the right way. What I am trying to do is prompt a user for his name. He enters it using a onscreen keyboard I have coded. Once the user has entered their name they loop over a sequence of dialogs for a set amount of time. In my code the other dialogs appear since the execution continues.
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Old 06-13-2008, 04:19 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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If your print statement is in the global scope then it will be executed during the script loading. All that sample code does is register a callback for when the accept button of the dialog is clicked and calls the specified function. If you need to display a series of dialogs sequentially, then I highly recommend using tasks. Using a callback approach will become very difficult once you have more than one dialog.
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