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Old 06-22-2008, 02:49 AM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 58
Error when loading a lot of avatars

in one of the scripts i try to run, i want to load around 27-30 different
avatars. I'm bumping into 2 problems, and i wonder if they're solvable:
1. The main problem - i get an error : "Runtime error! This application
has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusal way".
I assume that the program runs out of resources. Is it possible to get around it?

2. It takes a very very long time to load all the avatars - is there any possible way to speed it up?
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Old 06-22-2008, 08:24 AM
south_bank south_bank is offline
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Not so sure about the first problem, to me it sounds like it might be a program priority issue if you're running Vista, because I've had it say similar things to me before. Open up task manager, set the program priority to real-time by right clicking winviz.exe and it's more liberal with the memory it allocates. It might not do much for you but it worked slightly better after for me.

With regards to the second issue, it might just be a memory capacity issue, unless you're loading the avatars on events, for example loading them when you enter a room. If that is the case, load them at the start before the event and make them invisible to start with then visible on the event. As the geometry is pre-loaded it saves you time. Hope this helps in some way.
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Old 06-23-2008, 12:09 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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Do you only get the error when loading a large number of avatars? Does the avatar use large textures or a high polygon mesh? I just tested loading 1000 avatars and it took 3 seconds and my program did not error, but the framerate is very low. It's hard to tell what the problem is without more information.
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Old 06-29-2008, 02:17 AM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
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Posts: 58
Errors with multiple avatars

I only get the error when i try to load more than 20 something avatars.
I am using the Complete Characters high poly characters.
I'm running the public_speaking Demo which was given to us during
installation of vizard, but i changed it to accomadate more avatars, and
made some other changes to it.

The load time with 20 avatars ( when there is no error, it is 250 seconds )
It is much faster with one avatar( load time of 4.77 seconds)

Let me know if there is any furtther information which i could supply...
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Old 06-30-2008, 02:45 PM
farshizzo farshizzo is offline
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How much RAM does your computer and GPU have? Can you provide a simple script that reproduces the crash?
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Old 07-13-2008, 04:02 AM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
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Posts: 58
samle script

Before we bought the computer, we consulted vizard, so basically is should be okay
We have 2 GB of RAM. I'm not completely sure how GPU is checked ,
but if GTX is the right thing to look at, then we have 8800 GTX.

attached is a sample script of when vizard crashes when trying to add
more than 20 something avatars. trying to add a few less results in just a very long load time. (a few minutes) :

import viz

AVATAR_MODEL_LIST = ['../art/avatars/male/casual01_m_highpoly.cfg',\

for i in range(1,len(AVATAR_MODEL_LIST)):
avatar = viz.add(AVATAR_MODEL_LIST[i])
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Old 07-18-2008, 07:29 PM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
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Posts: 58

So any progress on understanding why this might happen?

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Old 07-28-2008, 04:24 AM
dan12345 dan12345 is offline
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Posts: 58
Problem fixed

Hi, the problem seemed to have been solved, relatively - The thing that
was slowing down everything was that every avatar had 80 animations or so.
Since we are only using about 20, then cutting the rest of the animations from the CFG file, also took down significantly the load time ( and fixed the refresh rate ). It still takes about 15-20 seconds to load, but that's bearable...
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