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Old 12-14-2013, 02:36 AM
Frank Verberne Frank Verberne is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 148
Question regarding inspector

I have been playing around with the new inspector tool, because of it's new features to be able to rotate, position, and scale your objects conveniently.

However, I have run in a few problems:
- When opening any .wrl file from the resources folder of Vizard, translating, rotating, and scaling do not work (in none of the three coordinate system). No numbers are appearing in the X, Y, Z (or yaw, pitch, roll) fields.
- When opening an avatar with a .cfg file (e.g. vcc_male2.cfg), I get the same problems when trying to rotate the bones of the avatar. Now, when selecting one of its bones, numbers do appear in the X, Y, Z (or yaw, pitch, roll) fields, but changing them does nothing. Although the numbers change, the avatar still looks exactly the same, no bones are moved/rotated.
- I have also tried some .ive/.osgb files, and some of them work (e.g. vangogh.ive, dojo.osgb, piazza.osgb), some of them don't work (e.g. logo.ive, beachball.osgb, basketball.osgb). For the .ive/.osgb files that do work however, the values of the X, Y, Z (or yaw, pitch, roll) fields change back to zero when changed. Meaning that, if you move for example vangogh 1 meter to the right, the values spring all back to zero. It would be more convenient if those fields would contain the values relative to the starting values.

Some other issues:
- Zooming possibilities are not optimal. For example, when importing piazza.osgb, I cannot zoom in that far. I can imagine that the model itself is pretty big, but being able to zoom in, regardless of the size of the model would be a nice feature. Furthermore, a zoom button/slider would be useful
- When I have to choose a file to open, I can choose any type. It would be convenient that inspector specifies which files it can handle. I noticed for instance that .vzf files are not supported (yet?).

All in all, I'm starting to see the great benefits of a fully functioning inspector. For example, I really like the feature to be able to import an environment and some models, arrange everything visually, save it as a .osgb file, and then be able to import that scene in Vizard 5! Much appreciated feature! Keep up the good work!
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Old 12-18-2013, 01:46 PM
masaki masaki is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 63
There may be a better way to do this, but for now try the following:
- Insert a Transform above the object you want to manipulate, then move/rotate/scale that transform. Pre-R5 asset may not be modifiable in R5 Inspector unless you add/insert new transforms within Inspector.
- Alternatively, you can save the unmodifiable asset as an .osgb file in Vizard and then modify it in Inspector.
- Avatar bones are not modifiable.
- If numbers are going back to 0,0,0, you're probably in the Local coordinate system. Change this to Parent or Global depending on what you're trying to do. You can do this by changing the mode right next (right) to the x,y,z fields.
Just a word of caution: if you modify any asset using R5 Inspector, it will become incompatible with earlier versions of Vizard.
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