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Old 08-01-2008, 01:00 PM
michaelrepucci michaelrepucci is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 53
OK, so CaveView gives me more flexibility than simply linking my tracker to the MainView. Forgive me for being totally naive, but in what type of head-tracked situation would you want this additional flexibility to move the viewpoint? Wouldn't that look really odd to the user wearing the head-tracker if the viewpoint suddenly changed NOT as a result of their movements?

Oh, and would you mind also explaining in what situation I might want to use vizcave.update() instead of vizcave.setTracker?

Sorry to ask questions about options that may not apply to me, but I can't be sure that they don't apply if I don't totally understand what they mean. Besides, I can hope that some other user may find this forum thread useful. I couldn't find anything on this topic here.
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