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Old 07-07-2006, 09:42 AM
halley halley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 27
I've seen a number of links in the help files are broken, this may just be part of that issue. I expect they'll re-index the help files as a part of wrapping up for the release.

It's definitely still there, my scripts haven't broken. Any time you're curious about what exists, and what doesn't, you can READ the source code in the python/ file which is included. Now, the help file is PREFERABLE in most cases, but there are some cases where the source is really useful for double-checking things. In this case, search for "class VizNode" and then search below that for "def spinto". Voila.
[ e d h a l l e y ]
I'm just a user, not a representative of WorldViz. Hope I've been helpful.
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