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Old 04-21-2005, 11:40 AM
tobin tobin is offline
WorldViz Team Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 251
Our FOB plug-in is admittedly not the most sophisticated. It limits include a single bird operation and hard-coded settings such as COM1 at 115.2kbs. I'm copying the C code below that initializes and updates the Bird below. Perhaps by looking at our initialization statements, you'll see what might be causing yours to not work.

A preferred method to connect to a FOB is to use the open-source VRPN protocol. Vizard fully support VRPN devices and from our experience most users are pleased with the results they get from this method. We have a small redistribution of VRPN along with a sample Vizard script that you can immediately download and test out. You'll need to edit the vrpn.cfg file to connect to a FOB rather than run in the test mode which it's in right now (see the readme.txt file).

You can download the VRPN demo here:

If you have any further troubles, please don't hesitate to ask further questions.

Here's the guts of the Vizard FOB plug-in:

PHP Code:
void InitializeSensor(void *sensor)
BOOL birdFound FALSE;
WORD comport 1;
int i 1<= 2i++) {
comport i;
birdRS232WakeUp(1,TRUE,1,&comport,115200,2000,2000)) {
birdFound TRUE;

birdFound) {
printf("** ERROR: Could not find bird on COM 1 or 2\n");
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->status FALSE;

VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->status TRUE;



void UpdateSensor(void *sensor)
// Update the sensor data fields (see sensor.h)
    // Fields 0-2: reserved for x, y, z position data
    // Fields 3-5: reserved for yaw, pitch, roll
    // or
    // Fields 3-6: reserved for quaternion data
    // eg:
    // ((VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[0] = newX;

if (birdFrameReady(1))

BIRDREADING *preading;
preading = &frame.reading[0];

double pos_scale devconfig.wScaling;

pos[0] = (float)(preading->position.nX pos_scale 32767.0f) * 0.0254f;
pos[1] = (float)(preading->position.nY pos_scale 32767.0f) * 0.0254f;
pos[2] = (float)(preading->position.nZ pos_scale 32767.0f) * 0.0254f;

VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[0] = pos[1] - offset[1];
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[1] = -(pos[2] - offset[2]) + height;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[2] = pos[0] - offset[0];

yaw preading->angles.nAzimuth AngleConversion;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[3] = yaw yawOffset;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[4] = -preading->angles.nElevation AngleConversion;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[5] = preading->angles.nRoll AngleConversion;
        } else if (
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[3] = preading->quaternion.nQ0 QuatConversion;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[4] = preading->quaternion.nQ1 QuatConversion;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[5] = preading->quaternion.nQ2 QuatConversion;
VRUTSensorObj *)sensor)->data[6] = preading->quaternion.nQ3 QuatConversion;


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