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Old 08-25-2015, 05:57 AM
lalechuza lalechuza is offline
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 7
Hey Jeff!
I guess this workaround wouldn't work for me, because there is a various number of cylinders placed in my setting and every cylinder has its own proximitysensor. I don't know how I could get the right cylinder to an activated sensor with that kind of linking. Maybe you have an idea to this?
Anyway, I've got a solution that is not very performant but it works well enough for me:
The sensores are placed at the same position like the cylinders. When setting the sensors the source is NONE, so that the sensores will not be affected by the scaling of the cylinders.
Next I just set up a list of tuples with the sensor as the first part of the tuple and the object as the second, so when a sensor is activated I can find it in that list with the right object and delete the object and the sensor.

Could you still let me know what the developer said to the bug or when it is going to work?

Thank you for your help
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