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Old 04-04-2008, 01:08 PM
theuberk theuberk is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 44
Thanks for the quick replies.

Alright, I'll probably end up adding this algorithm, but before I do I want to make sure I absolutely have to. We're going to move all of our equipment (computer, FOB, etc.) farther away from the ERT. I wanted to know if any of the FOB equipment itself (i.e. the part you connect to the computer) could have an effect on the tracking field.

Also, is there any way that a large amount of external, electro-magnetic interference could have an effect on an InertiaCube 2?

Finally, what is the best material to stop electromagnetic waves from passing through it? If there is a very good material, we may be able to put a sort of barrier up between all of our equipment (computer, power cables, power bar, etc.) and the ERT to try to eliminate some interference from the equipment.
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