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Old 11-02-2015, 06:19 AM
Rennschu Rennschu is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 14
vizcave coordinates


I am using a 3DMonitor with shutter-glasses and a chinrest to stable the user's head. I use vizcave since I want to apply an asymmetric view frustrum. I would like to set the origin of the coordinate system to the upper left corner of my display (because this is the coordinate system my eye-tracker uses). However, my code does not seem to set the origin to the display corner.

import viz
import vizshape
import vizcave
import viztracker

width = 0.60
height = 0.335
distance = 0.70

PowerWall = vizcave.Wall(upperLeft=(0,0,0), upperRight=(width,0,0), lowerLeft=(0,-height,0), lowerRight=(width, -height, 0))


cave = vizcave.Cave()

head_tracker = viztracker.Keyboard6DOF()
head_tracker.setPosition (width/2, -height/2, -distance)

What am I doing wrong? Could I set the origin to the display corner? If yes, how?

Also, I noticed, that although I used meters to specify the positions, my scaled objects seem to have the wrong size (far smaller). What do I need to consider concerning scale?

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