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Old 05-14-2008, 07:39 AM
south_bank south_bank is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Wolverhampton
Posts: 11
Blending/Fading 5 Textures with a Slider


I'm trying to create an optional extras car showroom simulation which simulates for example, paint colour options. Rather than having lots of car geometry textured in many different colours and showing/hiding them according to which buttons are selected, I would like to use a slider control to fade/blend between the five different colour options of red, black, white, blue and green.

I have searched the example scripts and help files however the blend script seems only to support two textures. I have also experimented with fading between textures but due to relative inexperience, I'm struggling to find a solution with this method.

Is there another way around this issue that would allow me to control the car's paint colour through the five different colours with a slider , preferably of custom appearance? Any help and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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