Thread: Physics Problem
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Old 03-20-2009, 12:53 AM
Sandro Holzer Sandro Holzer is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 19
Thank you Jeff.

Just to make my thing a little bit clearer.
In the end I want to model something like a forklift, just with a different way to move the forks.
And I donīt want to use the physic engine to move the parts on the machine (no Physic Joints), just to model the interaction between the forks and the load.
So all parts that are attached to the machine should not be affected by forces, they should just act as collideable bodies, and are moved with setEuler() and so on, every 0,02 seconds, like in the small code I posted.
The only parts that should be affected by forces are the loads, which you can lift or shift around.

I hope this makes it easier for you to understand my purpose.

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