Thread: Sony HMZ-T1 HMD
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Old 03-20-2012, 09:23 AM
lmtree797 lmtree797 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1
I am trying to understand how does buffer work here. Please check my idea. The reason we need quad buffer for the sony HMZ is it packaging stereo information in one channel which is sent in SX/ST HMD in two channels alternatively. Double buffer is used for each eye. So it works well in SX HMD not Sony HMZ.

Besides, I have 2 questions in testing the new HMD. I don't have nvidia
3D video card supporting quad buffer so I just use half resolution in 2 side-byi-side splitted display. I use the "viz.go(viz.SETERO_HORZ)" and often find I need converge a lot to focus the 3D and the near part looks distorted. Should I change the disparity or not?

Also, I specify the aspect ratio as 1280/720 by viz.fov(), however, there seems no difference when I set the vertical FOV as 50 degrees or 22 degrees (the later is the physical vFOV by the specification). Why does the vertical FOV value not affect the display?

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