Thread: Object.remove()
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Old 03-01-2006, 12:48 PM
betancourtb82 betancourtb82 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 103
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I am also trying to remove items using object.remove. First, I add 4 avatars (NUM_AVATARS) to an array. They will be removed as they are shot by the user. The problem I'm having is how to add them again if one of them is taken off. I have the 4 avatars, but I would like for them to be added to the array once they have been shot (causing a remove). I was thinking of saying something like "if the number of array elements is not 4, add another avatar". Can I do this and if so, how. Also, would this be the best way to go about doing this. Here is what I have so far.

Create avatars coming from the front
for i in range(NUM_AVATARS):
	newX = -math.cos(-2*i+15) * 2
	newZ = math.sin(i^2+1) * 2	
	male = viz.add('male.cfg')
	#we might be able to use this type of declaration when we need to decide who is safe to shoot and who isn't
	male.SafeIndicator = 1						
	avatars.append(male) #Save avatar in list
	print "avatar indicator is", male.SafeIndicator	

#Two differnt options for moving avatars
#Create a walk action that will randomly select a location between (-5,-5) and (5,5)
RandomWalkAction = vizact.walkto(vizact.randfloat(-5,5),court,vizact.randfloat(-10,5))
#Create a walk action that will randomly select a location between (-5,-5) and (5,5)
WalkForever = vizact.sequence(vizact.walkto(vizact.randfloat(-2,5),0,vizact.randfloat(-10,5)),viz.FOREVER)

def walkAvatar(starter):
	global court
	walk = starter.walkto(0,court,-10.5,1,0,2)
	#Clear all the avatar's actions, reposition it, and start the walk action
#	starter.translate(duckBeginPos)
#	starter.rotate(duckBeginOri)
	#Add walk action to avatar

	#Add walk action to avatar when spacebar is pressed
	#vizact.onkeydown(' ',starter.add,RandomWalkAction)

if avatars[0] or avatars[1] or avatars[2] or avatars[3] == 0:
	print 'empty avatar at avatar'
	print 'avatar added'
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