Thread: Lightmap VRAY
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Old 02-12-2012, 08:22 AM
davidrichens davidrichens is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 4
Hi Veleno,

I have had some success in baking a lightmap texture using your "quick and dirty" technique.
But I would like to know the process on how to lightbake a Vray lit & textured scene I have made properly.

The process I am using employing is:
  1. Create a VrayMtl for an object, apply it to a model
  2. Open render to texture dialogue on the selected model
  3. In the output roll-out, I am using VrayLightingMap with no Target Map Slot
  4. Under the Baked Material Settings, I am using "Render to Files Only"
  5. The resulting bake, I am then creating a new material and applying the diffuse texture to the diffuse slot, and the Vray lightbaked texture to the Self-Illumination slot.

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