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Old 06-12-2013, 08:19 AM
mshukun mshukun is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 32
Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Please disregard my question, as I subsequently figured out that the coordinate system used in the cube map involves neither cube nor spherical coordinates, but instead something more like the quadrilateralized spherical cube or continuous cube map coordinates.

I have been trying to convert given world coordinates (for user-created place marks in the cube map) to flat images of six faces in order to save user-created place marks in image format using PIL. However, I have been having difficulties converting the Y value to a flat image, and I now assume that I need to find 2D texture coordinates (S and T) of each place mark instead of world coordinates.

I truly appreciate if you could provide me ways to achieve the task above, i.e. "finding 2D texture coordinates (S and T) of each place mark instead of world coordinates".

Thank you again so much! I truly appreciate your help.
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