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Old 09-19-2006, 02:52 PM
betancourtb82 betancourtb82 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 103
I have 14 words that need to be unscrambled. What I have set up so far is 12 buttons on the screen (the longest word that needs to be unscrambled is 12 letters long) and a button that will be used as an enter key. What I had planned to do is have the letters for the current word on each button and have the remaining letters (if the word < 12 letters long) blank. the user will then have to click the letter they believe comes next in the correct order. Each time a letter is clicked, it will be displayed on a text object. Using the keyboard, I just used the my keyboard code that I have previously posted. Unfortunately it's too difficult for someone that is wearing an HMD to type words so I was trying to implement an "onscreen keyboard" with these buttons. Eventually, i will add a "backspace" button in case a user makes a mistake, but that will come later. Right now, I would just like for the user to be able to click the letter and have it appear on the screen in the same manner as if the user were typing it. The keyboard example was taken from the IM tutorial.
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