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Old 04-10-2008, 06:18 AM
Elittdogg Elittdogg is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 77
Yes that is correct. They will be wearing HMDs. Here's where I'm getting tripped up (and maybe this is irrelevant):

RedDot = viz.add(viz.TEXT3D, '.', viz.SCREEN)
RedDot.translate(0.5, 0.57, 0)
RedDot.color(1,0,0) # Red
#RedDot.scale(.5, .5, .5)

The RedDot.translate part of the above code sets the dot on the screen at a "height" of 0.57. And that's going to be fixed for everyone I assume. So while their individual viewpoints will rotate according to their own movement the dot will stay at that "level."

So for my maze the red dot (with the 0.57 translation in effect) is right in the center of the screen/viewpoint (which is good) and about 3/4 of the way up the screen (which was my best guess for an average height person).

Since I'm trying to mimic a real setting (with this red dot) in which a laser pointer will be fixed to a person's head I want to be able to allow for the red dot to appear at different "heights" depending on if the person is 6 feet tall or 5 feet tall etc etc. Because in the physical setting the 5" person's laser pointer will be (let's say) 45% up from the bottom of the maze whereas the 6" person's will be 75% up from the bottom of the maze (I just made up numbers ).

So as it stands right now I'm creating this red dot texture on the screen and it will always stay in that fixed point. It will appear to move when the person's viewpoint moves. But it will always be 0.57 translated in the Y direction and thus won't allow for discrepancies in height.

Does that make more sense? Am I still not be clear? Sorry, I'm having a hard time explaining this.
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